Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
May 28, 2023
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Adapting RE at CUUC
RE leadership is grateful to all who attended the forum last Sunday and participated in rich discussion! We are excited by the energy generated and delighted for continuing and new interest in supporting RE next year.
At last Sunday's forum, we heard from children, youth, and parents about family life in these times, talked about what we heard from the panelists and themes that emerged, and had one round with newsprints to brainstorm how we might meet emerging needs and what resources would be needed.
The work continues! Over the next several Sundays, YOU can add your ideas to the newsprint sheets from the May 21st forum, which you will find in the Fireside Area. There is a theme at the top of each sheet (e.g., Justice Making, Spiritual Development, UU Values, Belonging) and space to write ideas for activities we might do in that area and what resources (people, financial, material) would be needed.
Sunday, June 4th, 1st-12th grade children and youth will meet with Tracy and RE leaders to work with the newsprints so they can share ideas that excite them. Also June 4th, RE Collaborative leadership and the REvision Advisory Group will meet for an extended planning session to review information gathered during the May 21st forum, the family survey still collecting feedback, and the CUUC self-assessment. We will provide another update during RE Sunday, June 11th.
Family Input
Centering Your Needs
As we continue shaping Religious Exploration at CUUC, we will center the experiences and needs of our families. Your input is important as we consider ways forward! Please share your thoughts via this short survey: There are questions for children, youth, and your whole family.
Celebrating Bridging
Add Notes in Their Hymnals
One of the gifts we give our Bridgers is a hymnal filled with words of encouragement and special memories. Please take a few minutes to write a note in the 5 Bridging hymnals that will be available in the Fireside Area Sundays through June 11th.
Sundays, 9:45am-11:45am, Room 32, Yellow Hallway
Diane, Hans, and Willow welcome young children in childcare. We offer a safe, loving environment where our youngest build community and play outside when weather permits.
Religious Exploration
Families are invited to worship together. Classes do not meet.
“Astrotheology” ~ Rev. Meredith Garmon
If you look in Wikipedia, it'll say that "astrotheology" is "the worship of the stars, the planets, and other heavenly bodies as deities, or the association of deities with heavenly bodies." But there's a very different definition: exploring the question of how the prospect of extraterrestrial life informs our sense of the meaning of our terrestrial lives. It's this second definition I'll be looking at.
Visit our website for the Sunday order of service. We continue to wear masks for Sunday morning worship and RE in the building. Revisit past services anytime at and subscribe!
Click here to join the live-stream of our Sunday Worship or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468. Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.
Upcoming Schedule & Community
Religious Exploration
Sat May 27: Game Night for All Ages
Sun May 28: Whole Congregation Worship
Jun 2-4: Young Adult Con (see below)
Sat Jun 3: Celebration of Rev. Meredith's Ministry
Sun Jun 4: 1st-12th Grade RE Program: Adapting RE at CUUC; After worship: RE Collaborative leadership and the REvision Advisory Group meet to begin 2023-2024 planning
Fri Jun 9: Community Dance Party
Sat Jun 10: RE Families and Youth Making Meal Bags for HOPE
Sun Jun 11: Whole Congregation Worship - RE Sunday & Bridging; After worship: CUUC Annual Meeting
Sat Sep 16: Save the date for a September RE pool party at the Kortlandt's
Game Night
Sat May 27, 5:00pm Early Games, 6:00pm Pizza, 7:00pm More Games
We had so much fun in April, we're doing it again in May - this time on a Saturday to make it easier for more families to join!
Grab your favorite game and join us for an evening of fun! Whether you bring Scrabble, Uno, mah jongg, Connect 4, checkers, or Hungry Hungry Hippos, come to play or just come to enjoy good company. Help us plan by clicking here to sign up for Game Night. Suggested donation for dinner: $5. Contact Audra Russell (
UU Mental Health Network
Showing Up for Each Other's Mental Health
Sun May 28, 7:00pm, Online Worship Service, Zoom
In this first worship service produced by the UU Mental Health Network Speaker’s Bureau, the Rev. Barbara F. Meyers will talk about her book HELD which tells both how-to stories and how-not-to stories and gives guidance for congregants in the pews who want to help make a difference. Click here for a list of presenters. The UUA bookstore offers an additional description of the resource. Zoom:
Summer Activities
for Families and Individuals of All Ages
There are wonderful opportunities to connect with UUs from all over the continent this summer. Most camps have opened registration and will fill quickly. Register as soon as possible. Some camps are also hiring! Click here for the list.
Young Adult Event
CONcrete Jungle
Jun 2-4 at Fourth Universalist Society, NYC
The YAOC (UU Young Adult Organizing Committee), will host "CONcrete Jungle," a weekend long UU gathering for young adults to socialize and build community.
Over the past few years, YAOC has organized Garfield Con at Shelter Rock and Rom-Con at the White Plains congregation, the former of which brought about 90 young adults together in community. Read more at and on Instagram @uu.youngadults.cer.
Final RE Session
Sun Jun 4, 10:00am
Children and youth will meet with Tracy and RE leaders to work with material generated during the May 21st forum about adapting RE at CUUC so they can share ideas that excite them. We will also practice American Sign Language for Spirit of Life (practice at home with this tutorial), which we will lead June 11th for the congregation, and the 4th-5th grade class will work on their June 11th presentation.
Food Item Collection
Meal Bags for HOPE
Sat Jun 10, 1:30pm, Fellowship Hall & Kitchen
We are collecting individual serving items, such as milk and juice boxes, water, fruit cups, and soft granola bars. Our RE families and youth will use them to assemble bag lunches and breakfasts for the clients of HOPE Community Services in New Rochelle. Look for collection box in the lobby. Frozen items such as French toast, waffles, and frozen sausages (no pork), can be brought in the morning of Sat Jun 10, or as coordinated with Christine Haran (
Community Dance Party
Fri Jun 9, 6:00pm swing dance lessons, 6:30-9:00pm open dance, Fellowship Hall
Terri K and Andrew A will be giving some basic swing dance lessons at 6:00, and then we'll dance the night away with a variety of music. All ages are welcome - feel free to invite a friend. Snacks and drinks are provided. Can't wait to dance with you! Contact: Terri Kung (
Annual Meeting
Sun Jun 11, After Worship
Members, please mark your calendars and plan to attend! We will share more details soon, including the proposed budget and nominees. We will be distributing the annual report booklet digitally by email, and will have paper copies available in the lobby. If you prefer to be mailed a paper copy, please contact the office (
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