

Religious Exploration: May 14, 2023

Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
May 14, 2023

2022-2023 RE Theme: Unitarian Universalist Identity
Overview of the Year & Upcoming Schedule

View past newsletters at
Community Forum
Future of RE at CUUC

Sun May 21, 11:30am-1:00pm at CUUC and on Zoom 8428
We are in a time of transition at CUUC, including in Religious Exploration (RE). Please join us next Sunday for a community forum to explore the future of RE at CUUC.

Hear from RE children, youth, and adults. Help identify core aspects of emerging needs for today’s families. Explore ideas for shaping RE at CUUC in these new times. Enhanced coffee hour and childcare will be available. Join us at CUUC or in Zoom 8428: Meeting ID: 817 388 428 · Passcode: 468468 | Phone (audio only): 646-558-8656.
Family Input
Centering Your Needs

As we continue shaping Religious Exploration at CUUC, we will center the experiences and needs of our families. Your input is important as we consider ways forward! Please share your thoughts via this short survey:

There are questions for children, youth, and your whole family. Highlights from responses received before Friday, May 19th will be shared, without attribution, in our May 21st discussion. Responses received after that will be added to material to be reviewed by the REvision Advisory Group (a short-term support team) and the RE Collaborative (formerly RE Council), and shared without attribution in community updates and reports. This survey will close May 31st. Thank you very much for your participation!

Save the Date
RE Family Pool Party

Sat Sep 16, afternoon at the Kortlandt Home
Join us for a fun afternoon pool party September 16th at the home of Catherine and Chris Kortlandt. It's a great way for families to connect as we start a new year of worship and Religious Exploration!

Sunday, May 14
Single Point of Entry
We are again utilizing a single point of entry to encourage more interaction with our young people and for safety. Please enter through the main doors by the sanctuary. The RE lobby doors will remain locked. Name tags for children and youth will be in the lobby near the sanctuary. 

Sundays, 9:45am-11:45am, Room 32, Yellow Hallway
Diane, Hans, and Willow welcome young children in childcare. We offer a safe, loving environment where our youngest build community and play outside when weather permits. 

Religious Exploration
1st-7th Grades Meet for 
their Final Classes
1st-3rd Grade, Our Whole Lives
Room 33, Yellow Hallway 
Irene C and Norm H are leading the final session, Celebration! Children will celebrate the completion of their OWL class with an opportunity to recall and share key elements of what they learned. Children in 3rd grade and younger must be picked up in their classrooms. 

4th-5th Grade Class, Toolbox of Faith
Room 41, Green Hallway
Laura G and Nicholas A are leading session 16, Resiliency. In this session, the hard hat symbolizes resiliency. Children will have opportunities to reflect about how we use our faith to help us bounce back from hard times. Discussion may include the challenges we face and the qualities of faith we can use when enduring difficult times. Everyone will share bounce back strategies they have tried and strategies they want to try.

6th-7th Grade Class, Riddle & Mystery
Room 13, Red Hallway
Gail J and Gus C are leading session 3, Looking Toward Tomorrow. The past: Where do we come from? The present: What are we? The future: Where are we going? This session introduces the idea that Unitarian Universalism is a humanistic religion: We believe humans have the potential to greatly shape our mutual destiny. The session's central story presents Rachel Carson, one person who caused a shift in humanity's journey toward our future. Youth will consider the increasing control they will gain, with time, over their own decisions and lives—and the responsibilities and opportunities which accompany that control.

8th-12th Grade, Youth Group
Youth Group does not meet this Sunday. 


“Happiness & Flower Celebration” ~ Rev. Meredith Garmon
What happiness is good for -- and how to have more of it.

Flower Celebration
Celebrate 100 Years of the Flower Celebration - Bring a Flower to Share this Sunday. The first Flower Ceremony was held in Prague in 1923, led by Unitarian minister Norbert ÄŒapek. It has become a meaningful tradition for Unitarian Universalists everywhere, symbolizing beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. For our flower celebration this Sunday, we invite everyone attending in person to bring a flower with you to worship. During the service, we will place our flowers in shared vases on the chancel. At the end of service, each of us takes home a flower brought by someone else. Those joining us on Zoom are welcome to have a flower nearby, or post a photo they have taken of a flower on our Facebook Forum for others to enjoy. Not a Forum member yet? Make a request on the group page!

Visit our website for the Sunday order of service. We continue to wear masks for Sunday morning worship and RE in the building. Revisit past services anytime at and subscribe!

Click here to join the live-stream of our Sunday Worship or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468. Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

Upcoming Schedule & Community
Religious Exploration

Sun May 14: 1st-7th grade classes meet
Tue May 16: RE Council meeting
Sun May 21: 1st-12th grade PlaceKeeping, collecting and analyzing leaf packs; After worship: Community Forum: Future of RE at CUUC
Sun May 28: Whole Congregation Worship
Sun Jun 4: RE Activities tba
Sat Jun 10: RE families and youth making meal bags for HOPE
Sun Jun 11: Whole Congregation Worship - RE Sunday & Bridging; After worship: CUUC annual meeting
Help enhance our festivities! If you have a photograph of Rev. Garmon to share, please email to Kim Force ( You can share your favorite memory at Contacts: Catherine K (, Emily E (

Summer Activities
for Families and Individuals of All Ages

There are wonderful opportunities to connect with UUs from all over the continent this summer. Most camps have opened registration and will fill quickly. Register as soon as possible. Some camps are also hiring! Click here for the list

Learning Opportunity

In the 2023-2024 year of RE, we will continue bringing conversations about racism, oppression, and justice making into the curriculum. I encourage parents and RE leaders to participate in these conversations in preparation for upcoming conversations with children and youth. 
Racial Justice Team: "Intent vs. Impact"
Monday, May 15, 7:00pm, Zoom 7899

The first in a series of three online "learning sessions" spread out over the coming months. Each one-hour Zoom session will be on a weekday evening and explore a different topic that has been selected by participants. All are welcome. Contacts: Lane Cobb (, Joe Majsak (


Sat May 20, 7:30-10:30pm, Sonesta Hotel, White Plains
Youth & Allies 9th-12th Grade
WJCS Center Lane is back for 2023 LGBTQ+ Prom. This is a special night just for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies in grades 9-12 (please bring school or other ID). Come dance the night away with good food, good music, and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate YOU! Register at Contact Center Lane at (914) 423-0610 or

Game Night

Sat May 27, 5:00pm Early Games, 6:00pm Pizza, 7:00pm More Games
We had so much fun in April, we're doing it again in May - this time on a Saturday to make it easier for more families to join!

Grab your favorite game and join us for an evening of fun! Whether you bring Scrabble, Uno, mah jongg, Connect 4, checkers, or Hungry Hungry Hippos, come to play or just come to enjoy good company. Help us plan by clicking here to sign up for Game Night. Suggested donation for dinner: $5. Contact Audra Russell (
Weekly Newsletters
Stay up to date by receiving the weekly RE newsletter (sign up here; read past Issues here) and weekly CUUC e-Communitarian (sign up here; read past issues here).
Tracy Breneman, Director of Religious Exploration and Faith Development,
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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