
Minister's Post, Fri Apr 28

Dear Ones:

Slow down. That's really the best -- maybe even the only -- spiritual lesson to learn. Take things slow. Sure, smell some flowers -- after all, it's spring! Gaze at the eastern sky as it slowly lightens at sunrise -- and at the western sky as it slowly darkens at sunset. Notice the feel of your feet (shod or otherwise) as you walk.

Sometimes this might mean that you show up late for something. Is that so bad? Or it will mean that you plan better so you can arrive on time without having to rush. That's not so bad either.

Dean Sluyter writes: "The paradox of impatience is that, in trying to hurry toward enjoyment, we hurry past it."

Interestingly, Sluyter's article is titled: “Macbeth Flunks the Marshmallow Test.” Sluyter argues that, while the usual take on MacBeth is that he illustrates the flaw of ambition, his actual flaw is impatience. The play begins with the weird sisters pronouncing that MacBeth "shalt be king hereafter." The problem is that MacBeth then immediately starts thinking of who he needs to whack to become king. If the prophecy is to be believed, he doesn't have to make it come true right away. If he is to be king, there's no need to get himself to the throne ASAP. He can let the course of things unfold gradually. As we know, and MacBeth himself might have guessed, he would have lived longer that way. MacBeth's real tragic flaw is impatience.

So slow down. Wherever you may be destined to end up, there's no need to rush there.

Yours in the faith we share,

Join a Journey Group: http://cucwp.org/journey-groups

I.C.Y.M.I. (In Case You Missed It)

The Apr 23 service, with guest speaker, Bruce Pollack-Johnson, "The 8th Principle: A Beacon Toward Beloved Community and Inclusion":

The Apr 16 service, "What Evil Is":


From Rick Hanson’s Just One Thing: Befriend Your Body.

Your body IS you – but imagine for a moment that your body were a distinct thing. It has taken care of you through the years, kept you alive, taken you from place to place, given you pleasure. So, in return, how well do you take care of your body? Do you soothe, feed, exercise it and take it to the doctor? Or do you run it down, feed it junk food, or intoxicate it? It's common to push the body hard, ignore its needs until they get intense, and tune out from its signals. And then plop the body into bed at the end of another grinding day.

People can also get mad at the body -- like it's the body's fault if it weighs too much or is getting old. Back to reality, your body is NOT a distinct thing. It’s you. Its needs and pleasures and pains are your needs and pleasures and pains, and its fate is your fate.

So imagine a day treating your body like another good friend. Imagine loving this friend -- your body -- as you wake up and help it out of bed: being gentle with it, staying connected to it, not rushing about. Imagine cherishing your body as you move through the morning -- such as helping it kindly to some water, giving it a nice shower, and serving it healthy and delicious food. Imagine treating your body with love as you do other activities: driving, caring for children, exercising, working with others, doing dishes, brushing your teeth.

For the rest of the guidance on how to befriend your body, see: "Befriend Your Body."

Here it is, your...
#156: Mara

Thank you, Mara. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

After this exchange about compassion, Badger said, "Well, I got my comeuppance on that one. I have another question -- not really a question, more a confession. It's the one that's been on my mind for some time. I've sat with you all this time and not realized very much at all. I wake up in the night feeling guilty that I haven't made more of an effort. You devote yourself to us, and I feel that I've failed you."
Raven said, "Mara is prodding you."
Badger said, "It hurts."
Raven said, "It's the only way Mara knows."


Religious Exploration: April 30, 2023

Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
April 30, 2023

2022-2023 RE Theme: Unitarian Universalist Identity
Overview of the Year & Upcoming Schedule

View past newsletters at bit.ly/CUUCRENews
Single Point of Entry
Starting this Sunday
Before the pandemic began, we switched to a single point of entry to encourage more interaction with our young people and for safety. When we started meeting in the building during the pandemic, we went back to using the RE lobby doors for social distancing. This Sunday, we are going back to having a single point of entry, through the main doors by the sanctuary. The RE lobby doors will remain locked. Name tags for children and youth will be on the table in the main lobby. 
Revised RE Schedule 
The rain last Sunday prevented us from making and installing leaf packs for the annual water study. As a result, we adjusted our schedule through June. Click here for the updated schedule
Tracy is Away May 1-7
I will be on study leave May 1-5 in California, then visiting my son at school May 6-7. During study leave, I will have classes about prophetic voice in ministry; religious wounding, moral injury, and social justice; social location; grief; spiritual psychology; spiritual care with people affected by systemic oppression; Bibliodrama; TaizĂ©; guided imagery; and authentic movement and witness. I look forward to sharing this learning with you. During this time, I will be slow to answer email. Please copy Karen Dreher (KMDreher55@gmail.com) and Christine Haran (christineharan@yahoo.com) on emails.  
Saturday April 29th
Tag Sale 2023

Sat Apr 29, 9:30am-3:00pm at CUUC 
Join us this Saturday for our community tag sale! We are also collecting donations of small furniture and appliances (small enough to fit in a sedan) for Furniture Sharehouse. Contact Nora Freeman (norafreeman777@gmail.com) or Alex Sehdeva (alex.sehdeva@gmail.com).

Sunday, April 30th

Sundays, 9:45am-11:45am, Room 32, Yellow Hallway
Diane, Hans, and Willow welcome young children in childcare. We offer a safe, loving environment where our youngest build community and play outside when weather permits. 

Religious Exploration
1st-12th Grade
PlaceKeeping Activity
10:00am Meet in Fellowship Hall
The rain last Sunday brought us inside, so this Sunday Cynthia R will lead our annual leaf pack experiment to determine which aquatic organisms live in our stream. We will make and place leaf packs in the stream, then collect them May 21st and analyze what organisms have taken up a home in the leaf packs. This will give us information about the stream as a habitat and the health of the water that flows on our grounds. Please dress for the weather as the activity will be outside and bring a mask with you. Since we will be in our woods, be sure to do a thorough tick check after RE on Sunday. We will collect and analyze the leaf packs Sunday, May 21st. (If we are rained out again, Tracy will lead Chapel in room 43 in the green hallway.) 


The Transformative Power of Unitarian Universalism” ~ Rev. Meredith Garmon

We don't come to a congregation to stay the same. Though we cannot know all that the change will entail, we nevertheless come to be changed, somehow. And Unitarian Universalism delivers -- for those who let it.

Our special musical guest this Sunday is Jazz legend Valerie Capers, along with her collaborator, bassist John Robinson. Arrive early to service and enjoy all of Dr. Capers' musical offerings!

Visit our website for the Sunday order of service. We continue to wear masks for Sunday morning worship and RE in the building. Revisit past services anytime at youtube.com/TheLiberalPulpit and subscribe!

Click here to join the live-stream of our Sunday Worship or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468. Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to bit.ly/CUUC-CoffeeHour or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

Sharing Life Stories

Odyssey Program, with Claire Kuczinski
Sun Apr 30, 11:15am, Sanctuary and Worship Zoom

Odyssey Programs are where longtime CUUC members share the stories of their lives and faith with the congregation, to pass along wisdom and deepen our understanding of one another. Please join us for our fourth Odyssey on Sun April 30, after worship, when our guest will be Claire Kuczinski.

Girl Scout Cookie Orders

Sun Apr 30 After Worship
Our Girl Scout Cookie order has come in! Muqadas Ghafoor will be at CUUC to hand them out after worship and RE this Sunday. Come get your boxes! Questions? Contact Jane Dixon (lilrhodie@gmail.com

Upcoming Schedule & Community
Religious Exploration

Sat Apr 29: Tag Sale
Sun Apr 30: 1st-12th grade PlaceKeeping, installing leaf packs; After worship: Odyssey Program with Claire Kuczinski
Sat May 6: RE families and youth making meal bags for HOPE
Sun May 7: 1st-7th grade classes meet, 8th-12th grade youth finish the retirement gift for Rev. Meredith from RE; After worship: Canvass brunch
Thu May 11: Barbara begins a new book (see below)
Sun May 14: 1st-7th grade classes meet
Tue May 16: RE Council meeting
Sun May 21: 1st-12th grade PlaceKeeping, collecting and analyzing leaf packs; After worship: Community Forum: Future of RE at CUUC
Sun May 28: Whole Congregation Worship
Sun Jun 4: Whole Congregation Worship; only the 4th-5th grade class meets
Sat Jun 10: RE families and youth making meal bags for HOPE
Sun Jun 11: Whole Congregation Worship - RE Sunday & Bridging; After worship: CUUC annual meeting

Summer Activities
for Families and Individuals of All Ages

There are wonderful opportunities to connect with UUs from all over the continent this summer. Most camps have opened registration and will fill quickly. Register as soon as possible. Some camps are also hiring! Click here for the list

Social Media Support
Community Service Opportunity!

We are exploring ways and looking for help to promote our events, taking advantage of all social media has to offer. This can be a community service opportunity for our youth! Contact Janet Bear, jsbear1@gmail.com

Another Game Night

Our first Game Night was a great success! Check out the pictures that Terri Kung was kind enough to take and post in our CUUC Forum facebook group

We received very positive feedback so we are planning the next game night for May. We wonder if scheduling it earlier or on a different day might make it possible for more families to participate. These are some options:
    - Friday night, 6pm pizza and 7-9pm games
    - Saturday night, 5pm early game, 6pm pizza, 7-9pm more games
If you are interested in joining us, please email your preferences and availability for May Fridays and Saturdays to Audra Russell at

Annual Giving Campaign

The month of April is coming to an end, and so is our Annual Giving Campaign. To those who have returned their pledges, thank you! If you were able to increase your giving 6-7% to match inflation, we are especially grateful. 

When our congregation shows it is actively engaged and financially committed, we can attract the best candidates for our next minister. Take a moment to watch again our Canvass Minute speakers so far: April 9-Chris Kortlandt (27:20 in), April 16-Eileen Macholl (32:20 in); and April 23-Kathleen Kiernan (29:00 in). This Sunday we'll hear from Stephen Bear, our last speaker. Help us pledge 100%! If you haven't pledged yet, forms are available in the lobby and on our website at www.cucwp.org/giving. Or contact our treasurer Chris Kortlandt (treasurercuucwp@gmail.com)..

Building Beloved Community
Beyond the Binary

Sat May 6, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse, Onsite and Online
First UU Syracuse is partnering with the Q Center @ACR to offer this one day conference, with an overnight for youth. 

Registration opens at 8:30am with the keynote address at 9:00am. The keynote speaker is Andie Davis, a 17-year-old genderfluid playwright from Ontario Canada. They are writing and co-directing a documentary style play about Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’ to bring awareness to the reality of the situation that students are facing in the state. They are hoping to bring a new perspective to how social justice topics are discussed and presented by encouraging the use of art to promote social change. Several interesting workshops will be offered. To find out more, visit the BBCBB conference website. If you will attend onsite and would like lunch, reigster by May 1st. To register for the virtual conference, click here.

New Book Starting
for Children and Youth

Thu May 11, 7:30-8:30pm, Zoom-3131
Barbara continues reading each week and she's starting a new book on May 11! Children and youth will enjoy hearing Freddie the Detective by Walter Rollin Brooks. Description: The delightful detective story about the beloved animal characters on Mr. Bean’s farm. Freddy the Pig, stimulated by reading Sherlock Holmes, sets up in a business as a detective. Login: Zoom-3131. Contact: Barbara Mair, barbara.k.mair@icloud.com.

RE Update
May 21 Community Forum 

We are in a time of transition at CUUC, including in Religious Exploration (RE). Please join us Sunday, May 21st after worship for a community forum to expand the conversation about the future of RE with our greater CUUC community. Come listen and share your thoughts and vision for the future. Your participation is important! You can read about our changing context and upcoming plans here, and stay tuned for more soon.

Help enhance our festivities! If you have a photograph of Rev. Garmon to share, please email to Kim Force (kimforce@gmail.com). You can share your favorite memory at bit.ly/RevGarmonMemories. Contacts: Catherine K (catherinekortlandt@gmail.com), Emily E (emily.economou@gmail.com)
Weekly Newsletters
Stay up to date by receiving the weekly RE newsletter (sign up here; read past Issues here) and weekly CUUC e-Communitarian (sign up here; read past issues here).
Tracy Breneman, Director of Religious Exploration and Faith Development, cuucwptracy@gmail.com
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419