

Religious Exploration: October 23, 2022

Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
October 23, 2022

2022-2023 RE Theme: Unitarian Universalist Identity
Overview of the Year & Upcoming Schedule

Brunch Help Needed!

Additional help is needed for Sunday's community brunch. Please sign up using this Google doc as soon as possible. Contact Kate Colson with questions,

Putting into practice our
aspiration to do this work
together in love and relationship

Dear Ones, I was in Birmingham, AL last week for the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) conference, focused on the 8th Principle. Our CUUC 8th Principle work in RE was highlighted. We did deep work around racial justice and dismantling white supremacy culture, shared resources, and visited sites that memorialize Civil Rights history in Birmingham and Montgomery. I look forward to sharing materials and ideas from the week. If you would like to read a few highlights, click here for my October 16th RE newsletter. More to come...  warmly, Tracy

Sunday, October 23rd


Sundays, 9:45am-11:45am, Room 32, Yellow Hallway
Diane, Hans, and Max welcome young children in childcare. We offer a safe, loving environment where our youngest build community. We wear masks and play outside when weather permits. 

1st-5th & 6th-12th Grade Special Programs
8th-9th Grade OWL Class

Sunday, Oct 23, 10:00-11:15am
Go directly to activities, not the sanctuary


1st-5th Grade: Democracy & UU the Vote
Room 41, Green Hallway
Leaders: Norm H, Laura S, and Nicholas A
The children will continue working on their posters about the importance of voting and prepare a short presentation for worship the following Sunday, October 30th where they will share their thoughts in the worship service about why voting is important. 

6th-12th Grade: Faith, Democracy & Reproductive Justice
Room 14, Red Hallway
Leaders, Mary C and Tracy B
Youth will explore UU values around democratic process and reproductive rights, then consider a case study. These conversations are important for our young people, helping them clarify their values, understand issues more deeply, and consider their role in advancing justice and equity. There are opportunities to get involved!

8th-9th Grade: Our Whole Lives Class
Room 11, Red Hallway
Leaders, Irene J and Daniel T
This week, youth learn accurate information and correct misunderstandings about anatomy, and talk about personal questions and concerns regarding their own growth and development. Leaders will emphasize that "normal" encompasses a wide variety of body types, sizes, behaviors, and rates of physical, emotional, and social development, and encourage youth to reject harmful social messages about bodies. This OWL class meets until 11:45am.


Check out the updated 8th-12th grade schedule, here. 
The schedule posted here is updated regularly. 
Read more about the morning activities here.
We look forward to seeing you!

10:00am Worship
In Person & Livestream

“Hope for the Future” ~ County Executive George Latimer, guest speaker

Visit our website for the Sunday order of service.

Covid safety policy update: We are no longer requiring proof of vaccination. We continue to require masks for those in the building.

Click here to join the live-stream of our Sunday Worship or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468. Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

Community Brunch!

Our first brunch of 2022-2023 happens this Sunday! Stay with us after worship to enjoy good food and warm company. Volunteers still needed and much appreciated! Contact Kate Colson ( Sign up to volunteer:

Help Widen Our Welcome - We ask everyone to sit at a table with someone new to you. We will have “conversation starter” cards at the tables, to help you make connections and let you get to know one another better.

Next Sunday, October 30th

Halloween Party &
Costume Parade

All ages are invited to wear your Halloween costumes! We will have the traditional costume parade during worship. The Youth Group has been working on a fun Halloween party for the children to enjoy after RE and worship!


Self-Assessment Workshop Follow Up
Path to the Future Focus Groups

Conversations continue about how we see ourselves and where the future leads. Your participation is important! Please join an upcoming opportunity:

  • Zoom 6161, Wednesday October 26 7:00-8:00 PM:  Supporting and welcoming families
  • Zoom 6161, Wednesday November 2 7:00-8:00 PM: Increasing accessibility: physically, technically and otherwise
  • At CUUC, Sunday November 6 11:45-1:00: Nurturing our spiritualities
  • At CUUC, Sunday November 13 11:45-1:00: Expanding diverse voices in our congregation
  • At CUUC, Sunday November 20 11:45-1:00: Topic TBD
Contact: Terri Kung (

Youth Donations Needed
for Our State Fair 

Youth, have you thought about donating something for this years Auction? The possibilities are endless and it would be great to include you!
Do you bake? Or babysit? Can you offer tutoring in a school subject? How about 2 hours of yard work? Would you like to host a children's tea party or LEGO competition? We are actively collecting donation forms now, and would very much appreciate your support - your donations are the key to the success of the auction! Please let us know as soon as possible what you might like to contribute. We especially love unique or fun experiences, to complement the many physical items we receive. Or ask your favorite vendor to donate a gift certificate. Look for the Auction Table in the lobby for a blank form, or to drop off your completed form. Or click here to access a digital Auction Donation Form that you can Fill in, Save, and Print out. Click here our Auction donation flyer with more general information. Thank you! Contact: Janet Bear (

Covenant Group for
Parents/Caregivers of MS & HS Youth

This covenant group will meet monthly on 2nd Tuesdays to provide space where we can share and support the fullness of each other’s experiences parenting youth. 
Nicole T and I will set a theme/topic for each month's discussion (suggestions welcome!) and share an optional short reading ahead of each session that can act as a springboard into discussion. Our next group is November 8th, 7:00-8:30pm on Zoom:; meeting ID 817 388 428 and passcode 468468; phone audio 646-558-8656. Then again December 13th, January 10th, February 14 (group will discuss an alternate date), March 14th, April 11th, and May 9th.

Families Supporting
HOPE's Soup Kitchen

Sat Oct 29, 10:30am-12:00pm, at CUUC
Family & Youth Activity: To-Go Bag Lunch Prep for HOPE

We will be making bag lunches and breakfasts Saturday, October 29th, 10:30am-12:00pm. Join us and feel welcome to bring friends. RSVP with Christine Haran ( to coordinate what food is needed.

Donations for HOPE's Soup Kitchen

Inviting Donations of Food Items from the Congregation
HOPE Community Services in New Rochelle is busier than ever. A dedicated team at CUUC has been preparing weekly meals for the Soup Kitchen for many years. Families are now getting involved by providing 70 to-go breakfasts and lunches. We invite the congregation to donate individual-sized food items such as shelf-stable milk, juice, water, fruit cups, and soft granola bars, as well as napkins, loaves of bread, and peanut butter. Leave them in the labeled bins located in the foyer. Frozen items such as French toast, pancakes, waffles, frozen sausages or patties (no pork) can be brought in Saturday morning, October 29th or as coordinated with Christine Haran (

Tracy Breneman, Director of Religious Exploration and Faith Development,
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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