

July 6, 2022: Introducing 2022-2023 Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
July 2022

2022-2023 RE Theme: UU Identity
2022-2023  RE
Lots of Information HERE & Highlights Below
2022-2023 Theme: UU Identity

The Religious Exploration Council is actively planning for next year! You may have noticed that we moved from using Education to Exploration. The Council believes that exploration is more consistent with our UU approach. 

Unitarian Universalists bring our full selves to religious community. This means we celebrate the identities of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religious heritage and others that enrich our community. As we consider UU identity, we will explore ways to live into our intentions for being welcoming and inclusive. 

Sunday mornings will consist of a mix of curriculum classes and youth group, special programs (e.g., social justice and PlaceKeeping), chapel, and whole congregation worship. Class groups are Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, 4th-5th grade, 6th-7th grade, 8th-9th grade, and Youth Group for 10th-12th grade.

This is an Our Whole Lives (OWL) year for us and we are offering 4 sections. We open OWL classes to friends and area residents with the requirements that CUUC and all other parents/caregivers attend orientation and participants commit to the full schedule.  We will offer OWL for 1st-3rd grade & 8th-9th grade on Sunday mornings, 5th-7th grade on 3 Friday evenings, and Parents/Caregivers (schedule tbd). 

We will offer parents and caregivers resources and a series of classes to support you as primary educators and in building meaningful traditions at home. And, we will cultivate multigenerational community through learning, action, and social activities.

Throughout the year, we will explore the future of faith formation at CUUC alongside our congregation's assessment for ministerial transition. RE Council members are reaching out for leaders and support persons with approximately 35 positions to fill. You are invited to participate and connect! We will support you with development opportunities and move toward making volunteering with RE feel like an enriching small group ministry. Click here to respond to our RE Connect opportunities or e-mail Tracy at
Initial Dates
Please save the dates below for CUUC community time. It is especially important for 1st-3rd, 5th-7th, and 8th-9th grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) families to note the orientation and class dates below. Additional information is available here
  • Saturday, Aug 27, 10:00-11:30am OR Saturday, Sept 3, 10:00-11:30am, Volunteer Orientation
  • Saturday, Sept 10, 12:00-2:30pm, Arturo’s Enchanted Party for All Ages (dress up, sing along with the movie, brunch/lunch potluck)
  • Sunday, Sept 11, 10:00am, Whole Congregation Worship, Ingathering
  • Sunday, Sept 11, 11:30am-1:30pm, 8th-9th grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) Parent/Caregiver Orientation (required for all participating families)
  • Sunday, Sept 18, 10:00am, First day of RE Classes
  • Sunday, Sept 18, 11:15-11:30am, Parents Meet Teachers
  • Saturday, Oct 1, 10:00am-12:30pm, Fall Fun Day for All Ages & PlaceKeeping
  • Sunday, Nov 20, 11:30am-12:30pm, 5th-7th & 1st-3rd Our Whole Lives (OWL) Parent/Caregiver Orientation (required for all participating families)
  • Sunday, Jan 22, 10:00am, 1st-3rd Grade OWL Begins
  • Sunday, Jan 22, 11:30am, Mid-Year Check-In with RE Families
  • Friday, Feb 10, 6:00pm-9:00pm, 5th-7th OWL class
  • Friday, March 10, 6:00pm-9:00pm, 5th-7th OWL & 8th-9th OWL classes
  • Saturday, March 11, 8:30am-12:30am, 8th-9th OWL class
  • Friday, March 24, 6:00-9:00pm, 5th-7th OWL class (weather make-up date, if needed)
  • Friday, April 14, 6:00pm-9:00pm, 5th-7th OWL class
More dates will be added! Check the 
last pages of our Overview & Schedule doc for updates. 
Reproductive Justice

Reproductive Rights
Social Justice Team

CUUC has started a Reproductive Rights Social Justice Team, inviting you and other local UU congregations to participate.

"Our Unitarian Universalist faith holds central the inherent worth and dignity of all people, which includes a belief in the sacredness of all bodies, and the importance of self-determination and human agency. As part of a liberatory Reproductive Justice movement, we affirm our commitment to building a world in which all people are able to make choices about their bodies, their health, and their families within safe, thriving communities" (Unitarian Universalist Association). Please click here for a list the CUUC team is compiling with information and organizations that are supporting reproductive rights. To join the team or be added to the email list, email Mary Cavallero ( and Terri Kung ( 

Healing Justice Space
Checking In with Our Bodies and Hearts

Thursday, July 12, 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Online
The overturning of Roe v. Wade has had our communities across the country mobilizing and marching in the streets by the thousands for abortion access. 

This healing circle will be an opportunity to pause and unpack how this moment is impacting our bodies and hearts. Join PPHP and partnering organizations for a virtual space for processing, community, and sustaining ourselves in this fight. We will be doing an overview of the state of abortion access, naming ways to take action, and of course holding space for grief, anger, numbness, and the full spectrum of emotions folks may be feeling in this moment. RSVP here

Youth & Young Adult Processing Space
Supreme Court Decision

Thursday, July 14, 6:00pm - 7:00pm, Online
Overturning Roe v. Wade impacts young people, too. Join Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic for an open space for young people to share concerns, ask questions, and be in community with one another. This event will be held on zoom. Anyone between the ages of 14-23 are encouraged to attend and invite a friend! Sign Up Here for the Zoom link. 

Visit the Planned Parenthood website
for additional trainings and events. 

ACLU Activist Series

Tuesdays, 8:00pm, Online
This summer you can join the ACLU People Power’s Abortion Activist Series, a collection of virtual events and trainings on how you can join the fight for abortion rights. Sign up to attend as many events as you’d like, but don’t miss the kick-off session on July 12th at 8:00pm. Find more information and RSVP here to save your spot

Session 1: Know Your Rights: Digital Privacy and Abortion Access
     Tuesday, July 12, 8:00pm
Session 2: ACLU State Strategy for Reproductive Rights: Abortion on the Ballot
     Fighting for Access at the State Level

     Tuesday, July 26, 8:00pm
Session 3: ACLU State Strategy for Reproductive Rights: Part II
     Fighting for Access at the State Level

     Tuesday, August 9, 8:00pm
Session 4: ACLU State Strategy for Reproductive Rights: Part III
     Criminalization of Care

     Tuesday, August 23, 8:00pm
Session 5: ACLU Electoral Advocacy Priorities: Abortion and the Midterms
     Tuesday, September 6, 8:00pm

2022-2023 Odyssey Program


Our Odyssey program is where longtime CUUC members share the stories of their lives and faith with our congregation, to pass along wisdom and deepen our understanding of one another. Our first speaker this season will be Jim Cobb (Jul 24), followed by Karen Schatzel (Oct 30). Then in 2023, Ted Kuczinski (Jan 29), Barbara Dodds (Apr 30), and Claire Kuczinski (Jul 30). Please join us as we realize our mission to nurture one another in our spiritual journeys. We especially encourage our young people to hear these stories to appreciate the wealth of experience of our elders. If you are a longtime member and would like to be an Odyssey presenter, please contact the CUUC office (

CUUC Children's Play Group

We have a CUUC Children's Play Group to help families with young children stay connected and build community. Families will meet at a park, each other’s homes, CUUC or other locations as decided by the group. Activities are suggested and coordinated on a shared spreadsheet. If your family would like to join this play group, e-mail Diane ( or Tracy (  for the spreadsheet link.

Enchanted Movie Party

Saturday, September 10, 12:00pm (noon), Fellowship Hall
Mark your calendars: We will start the new year in worship and RE with a party! Arturo Cruz Avellán invites you to an Enchanted movie party to celebrate its 15th anniversary and in anticipation of the September release of the sequel, Disenchanted! Arturo is making welcome signs in different shapes and sizes for the children to hold. Dress up as one of the movie characters, wear your dancing shoes, bring a potluck dish to share, and be prepared to sing along. We will provide drinks and a cake. Contact Arturo with questions and to RSVP,  

Toiletries Collection

The Hunger & Homelessness team collects personal hygiene products year 'round to donate to the local women's shelter, Samaritan House. If you are traveling this summer, please consider picking up the complementary travel size shampoo bottles and bar soaps from your hotel room. Or add an extra toothbrush or toothpaste to your cart on your next trip to the supermarket. You can drop items off in the collection bins to the left as you enter the main lobby. Thank you!  

Aid for Ukraine

Donation Campaign: First Aid Kits
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to bring a carload of donated supplies – from diapers to toothbrushes – to St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in NYC for delivery to Ukrainians caught in the ongoing war.
St. George now has a campaign to purcase first aid kits for Ukrainian civilians and defense forces. The more funds they anticipate collecting, the more they will be able to negotiate kit prices and shipping costs. If you would like to participate, contact Norm Handelman ( with the amount you’d like to contribute so he can estimate a total, share it with St. George, and follow up with you with instructions.
Summer Programs & Activities

If you are thinking about summer plans, you might like to attend a UU camp or conference. The Council of Unitarian Universalist Camps and Conferences offers a gateway to many locations across the country that offer activities for children, youth, adults, and whole families - click here

Volunteer New York!
Volunteer New York! offers many local volunteer opportunities throughout the summer. Visit their resource page.  And this list of 2022 Summer of Service Opportunities. They also offer a Leadership Westchester program designed to sharpen effective leadership skills and provide participants with the clarity to define and achieve their goals.

Ages 11-21: YWCA Y Leaders
YWCA summer 2022 bootcamp program will take our participants through 5 days of interactive workshops that teach you how to develop strong communication skills, create daily affirmations for good emotional wellbeing, understand your values, beliefs, priorities and passions and boldly navigate spaces with confidence and ease. With our program partner One Love Foundation, you will also identify the tools and resources needed to build healthy and supportive relationships in life and leadership! Y Leaders is open to those who identify as female, womXn, non-binary and gender-nonconforming, are between the ages of 11 and 21, and Westchester residents. Ages 11-15, August 1-5. Ages 16-21, August 8-12. Space is limited! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Camps are held in person at the YWCA (515 North Street, White Plains) and participants are required to wear masks throughout the program. You can read more about our bootcamp here. And youth womxn can apply here. Register here

Summer Sundays

10:00am, Fellowship Hall & Livestreamed
All ages are welcome! Wear a mask. Activity boxes, coloring sheets, crayons and cushions to sit on the floor are available in the RE cabinet in Fellowship Hall. The order of service is posted on our website. Revisit past services anytime at and subscribe!

Click here to join the live-stream of our Summer Sunday Worship
or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 313 195 3131 · Passcode: 468468. 

Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

9:45am, Room 32 in the Yellow Hallway
Diane and Hans offer childcare for young children every Sunday. Everyone wears a mask and children play outside when weather permits. No snacks are served. 

Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration classes do not meet over the summer. Watch newsletters for announcements about special summer activities. 
For up-to-date information, schedules, and Zoom links, visit the RE overview and schedule. You may also consult our CUUC website calendarRead All CUUC Announcements in the Weekly e-Communitarian Newsletter
Tracy Breneman, Director of Faith Development and Religious Education,
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419