

Religious Education: January 23, 2022

Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
January 23, 2022

2021-2022 RE Theme: Community, Wholeness, Discovering Our New Normal
Nurturing Resilience  

Over the coming weeks, I will share resources focused on cultivating resilience and practicing self-care, especially for young people and the adults who support them.  These are challenging times and we know many are struggling. 
Those struggles can be particularly challenging for young people who are relatively early in their journey of understanding self and others, and learning strategies for communicating, coping, and resilience.  We hope these resources will encourage open, caring conversations between youth and peers, and youth and trusted adults.  

Each week, I will add one or two more videos, songs, articles, movies or activities to the list.  I encourage families to engage with them together.  Next week, there will be a link to the document where all shared resources are housed.  If there are resources you find helpful that others might appreciate, I welcome your suggestions (  

Week 1: 

  • Practice the RAIN technique for managing stress: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Recognize what is happening. Allow the experience to be there, just as it is. Investigate with interest and care. Nurture with self-compassion. Tara Brach offers several related resourcesFamily discussion: When might this technique come in handy? When could you imagine using it?

  • Song: Gentle with Myself, Karen Drucker [5:03] Family discussionWhen might you want to be gentle with yourself?  What are some ways you do that?

  • Song: Inner Peace, Beautiful Chorus [4:06] Family discussion: Where is your "center"?  Who/what might the song be addressing when it asks, "please let me feel inner peace"?

This Sunday 
January 23rd
PreK/K Gathering
*Online Only*
9:45am  Diane invites young children to gather for check-in, a seasonal story, and rhythm/movement activities. Come have some fun together! Log in to Zoom 8428 then Tracy will move you to your breakout room.
1st-9th Grade Classes
*Online Only*
9:50am  1st-5th Grade Class Begins
10:00am  6th-7th Grade Class Begins
10:10am  8th-9th Grade Class Begins
All classes log in to Zoom 8428 then move into class breakout rooms.
Zoom 8428 password embedded login:  
Phone (audio only): 646-558-8656 · Meeting ID: 817 388 428 · Passcode: 468468 

Classes will include check-in, approx. 30 minutes of lesson,
then playing games to have some fun together. 
We look forward to seeing you!

9:50am 1st-5th Grade Class, Love Connects Us: Norm H and Laura S are leading session 7, One Person Makes a Difference.  Each of us, at any age, can serve as well as inspire others to act in service. This session prepares children to find their own point of entry into service and leadership. They hear the story of Craig Keilburger, who began working to make a difference at age 12. To help child laborers in Pakistan he founded Free the Children, a service organization which now involves thousands of child and youth activists around the world. 

10:00am 6th-7th Grade Class, Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong: Gail J and Christine H are leading session 7, The Second U.  This session introduces the Universalist strand of Unitarian Universalism.  Youth will identify the animals they would have chosen to save had they been in charge at the time of Noah. That activity serves as a jumping-off point to the Universalist concept of universal salvation. Next, there is a story about a famous Universalist woman, one of the first women to become ordained in response to a call to ministry. 

10:10am 8th-9th Grade Class, Coming of Age Handbook: & Compass PointsBetsy W and Raquel B are leading session 8 from the Coming of Age Handbook, Unity and Diversity.  Youth will understand what makes Unitarian Universalism a unified religion despite diversity in belief, identify some of the shared beliefs held by Unitarian Universalists, and learn more about the significance of covenant.  They will then consider their own religious beliefs and how they fit into the UU tradition and framework.  
10:00am Worship
*Online Only*

“Do You Talk to Your Car?” ~ Rev. Meredith Garmon

Explain things to your pet? Believe in the perversity of inanimate objects? It's probably good for us to have beliefs that we don't really believe — as long as we sometimes take a step back and recognize the status of such beliefs.

To join the worship livestream, click, or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923. Webinar: 761 321 991, Passcode: 468468

Orders of service are e-mailed and uploaded to our website prior to each Sunday.  Revisit past services anytime at our YouTube Channel.

After worship, join our Virtual Coffee Hour or phone in (audio only): 929-436-2866 · Meeting: 336 956 2210 · Passcode: 468468
Bed Donation Needed

The Refugee Resettlement team is seeking a donation of a queen size bed. Contact Robin Rocchi ( or Paula Meighan (

Lunar New Year

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with the Kungs
Saturday, Feb 12, 5:00pm, Zoom 7899 

Come celebrate the Year of the Tiger with the Darwei and Terri Kung! The couple will share some typical Chinese New Year traditions while we make dumplings together. Terri will show you up close and personal on Zoom how to make the filling, fold, and cook the dumplings. Click here for a detailed recipe including pictures of the ingredients. If we have enough young folks at the event, maybe we can even hear/see a Chinese New Year's tale while eating our dumplings. This event is for ages 4 through adults. RSVP Terri Kung ( Terri will also be offering to go shopping with or collect some of the ingredients for folks, as well as sending a recipe for a celebratory adult beverage.

U & U 

Have you ever wondered which well known people were/are Unitarian, Universalist, or UU?  Or what the difference is between the U & the U?  The 6th-7th grade class is learning about each branch in their next two classes.  The Unitarian Universalist Association website offers links to lists.  You can also see a list of well known Unitarians here, and here.  Learn about John Murray, who brought Universalism to our shores in 1760 and the Murray Grove Center where our Coming of Age Youth participate in a Credo Writing Retreat
For up-to-date information, schedules, and Zoom links, visit the RE overview and schedule. You may also consult our CUUC website calendarFamilies participating in childcare through 12th grade RE, please submit 2021 registration (click here for the form). Read All CUUC Announcements in the Weekly e-Communitarian Newsletter
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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