

Religious Education: October 10, 2021

Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
October 10, 2021

2021-2022 RE Theme: Community, Wholeness, Discovering Our New Normal.
Important Updates
Dear Families and RE Leaders, thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue adjusting to pandemic conditions. For the most updated information, schedules, past class summaries and Zoom links, visit the RE overview and schedule. You may also consult our CUUC website calendar, which always has Zoom links. Families participating in childcare through 12th grade RE, please submit 2021 registration (click here for the form).
This Sunday, October 10th
Classes for 1st-9th grades do not meet since they are meeting every other Sunday through mid-November. We encourage families to attend worship together online at 10:00am or in person at 12:00pm.  Childcare is available beginning 30 minutes prior to every in person worship service. This Sunday, October 10th, the last outdoor worship is at 12:00pm so childcare begins at 11:30am. 
Next Sunday, October 17th
As you read in the Board announcement, beginning next Sunday, October 17th we are delighted to move back to 10:00am for in person worship and classes. Classes for 1st-5th grade, 6th-7th grade, and 8th-9th grade Coming of Age will meet in person, outside at 10:00am. Everyone will remain masked and we are skipping snack time. When the weather turns, classes will move indoors and continue with CUUC pandemic protocols.

 An Overview of Current Offerings

Sunday Childcare: Begins 30 minutes prior to every in person worship service. October 10th, childcare begins at 11:30am for the final 12:00pm outdoor service.  October 17th onward, childcare begins at 9:30am for the 10:00am in person (also streaming online) service.   

Sunday 1st-9th Grade RE Classes: Beginning October 17th, we return to our 10:00am schedule for Sunday RE classes. The 1st-5th grade, 6th-7th grade, and 8th-9th COA classes meet during worship every other Sunday morning through mid-November: October 17 & 31, and November 14 at 10:00am. Parents/guardians are expected to remain at CUUC Sunday morning while their children participate in RE. 

Friday 8th-12th Grade Youth Group: Meets Friday evenings to avoid conflict with 8th-9th grade Sunday COA classes. Upcoming Youth Group dates are October 15th & 22nd, and November 5th. We ask youth or parents/guardians to RSVP ahead of each date. Youth will also help host the Halloween Party Saturday, October 31st. 

Friday Adult RE Class: The Coming of (a little more) Age meets with Rev. Meredith on first Fridays at 7:00pm in Zoom 7899. We especially encourage parents/guardians, teachers, and mentors of Coming of Age youth to participate. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Youth Activities
8th-12th Grade Youth Group
Fri Oct 15, 6:30pm-8:30pm, CUUC Upper Parking Lot
Youth Group does not meet tonight, October 8th. It has been rescheduled to next Friday, October 15th. Cyndi, Daniel, and Raquel look forward to gathering with the youth for pizza, reconnecting, and planning activities for the October 30th Halloween Party.  RSVP by Wednesday the 13th so we know how much pizza to order. 
Center Lane Youth Pride

Sat Oct 9, 2:00-6:00pm, Saxon Woods Park
For LGBTQ+ youth and allies ages 8-21. Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month! Make new friends, learn about resources in Westchester, eat, make crafts, connect with LGBTQ+ mentors, and more! This is an in person event with COVID safety protocols at Saxon Woods Park (1800 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains 10605), and it's free! We hope to see you there!! Sign Up Here   

Youth Open Mic & Leadership Building

Sat Oct 30, South Presbyterian, Dobbs Ferry
We will be collaborating with area congregations to offer interfaith youth activities and inviting youth to our own congregations' events. The South Presbyterian congregation in Dobbs Ferry started a learning and leadership lab that is by, for, and about teens and open to all high school youth. They are hosting monthly Open Mic evenings organized by youth with youth performers. The next Open Mic is Saturday, October 30th. All performers wear a mask and the audience is limited to only other youth performers. For more information contact or Tracy. 
Sunday Morning Online
Online Worship Sun Oct 10, 10:00am
“Indigeneity” ~ George Stonefish

Guest speaker George Stonefish (Lenape/Chippewa/Ottawa) will reflect on issues facing the indigenous community. Read about our guest speaker here
Click here to join our virtual worship  or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468

After worship, join our Virtual Coffee Hour
or phone in (audio only): 929-436-2866 · Meeting: 336 956 2210 · Passcode: 468468

Orders of service are e-mailed and uploaded to our website prior to each Sunday.  Revisit past services anytime at our YouTube Channel.
Sunday Afternoon  In Person  Outside
(weather permitting)
In Person Outside Worship Sun Oct 10, 12:00pm
“A Pagan Mid-Autumn Celebration” ~ Joe Gonzalez

Casting the Circle! Calling the Corners! A guided meditation on the passing of the year! The pagan holiday Samhain commemorates the passing of the year, and the remembrance of those no longer with us. Guest speaker Joe Gonzalez will lead.
Bring your lawn chairs and gather with us in the lower parking lot. Wear your mask and maintain social distance. Starting at 11:30am outdoor childcare is available in the playground, accessible from the upper lot. Outdoor Religious Education classes are off this week.

Sun Oct 10 will be our last outdoor in-person worship service. If we need to cancel because of weather, we will send out an email and post a notice on the CUUC website.

11:30am-1:15pm, Outdoor Playground
Diane will offer childcare for young children on our outdoor playground. Everyone wears a mask. No snacks are served. Drop off and pick up on the playground (enter through the UPPER parking lot). 
1st-9th Grade Classes
Classes Do Not Meet
Sunday, October 10th

Through mid-November, classes for 1st-9th grades will meet every other Sunday during in person worship: October 17, and 21; November 14. We look forward to seeing you next Sunday, October 17th at 10:00am!
Connecting in Community
Available Now: 2021 October edition of "On the Journey: Wonder"
Halloween Party
Saturday, October 30th, 1:00-3:00pm
Start thinking about your Halloween costumes and invite friends to our parking lot Halloween party at CUUC. Trick-or-Treating. Games. PlaceKeeping activities. Fun for all ages! We invite all CUUC committees, teams, youth group, and individuals to occupy a spot along the parking lot circuit and help fill up our trick-or-treaters' bags with goodies. Contact Tracy to sign up. 
Donations for Refugees
Hearts & Homes for Refugees Winter Drive
Sat Oct 2, 9:00am-5:00pm
St. John’s Episcopal Church, 4 West Fountain Square, Larchmont
With hundreds of refugees from Afghanistan expected to resettle in our area soon, Hearts & Homes for Refugees is looking to supply more clothing than ever. Clean winter coats and waterproof boots in excellent condition ONLY. Volunteers also needed; Winter Drive volunteer sign up here. H&H also accepts gift cards from Target and Burlington; mail to Hearts & Homes for Refugees, P.O. Box 8558, Pelham NY 10803. And financial contributions can be made at Local temples are also collecting supplies for refugees arriving at NJ army bases, through Oct 10. Items may be ordered from the JCC of Mid-Westchester Amazon wish list here.
For the most updated information, schedules, past class summaries and Zoom links, visit the RE overview and schedule. You may also consult our CUUC website calendar, which always has Zoom links. Families participating in childcare through 12th grade RE, please submit 2021 registration (click here for the form).
Read All CUUC Announcements in the Weekly e-Communitarian Newsletter
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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