

Religious Education: April 30, 2021

Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
April 30, 2021
2020-2021 Religious Education (RE) theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Supporting our young people in understanding justice issues, articulating their values, and engaging in faith in action with CUUC Social Justice teams. Also, supporting youth in developing healthy self-esteem and relationships. 
Special Activities
8 Principles Songs

Lyra Harada is spearheading our 8 Principles Song project. We are recording three new tunes so we can include all 8 Principles. Singing them helps us remember them all. 

We hope all PreK-12th graders will participate!

The final video will be similar to the recordings you have seen our Choir offer in online worship services. We will show the 8 Principles Song videos June 6th, RE Sunday. The editor needs two weeks for editing so the hard deadline to submit your recordings is May 16th, a little over two weeks from now. 

Read more about the project and find video filming instructions HERE. Contact Lyra Harada with questions (  Thank you very much in advance for participating. We look forward to your submissions! 

Write Notes to Our Bridging Youth

What a year to graduate from high school and transition from youth into young adulthood! Please let our HS seniors know they have a faith community that loves and supports them. Submit a short note to be included in hymnals gifted by the congregation. These hymnals will be an enduring reminder of beloved music, words, and community. 

Sunday, June 6th, we will celebrate Bridging for these eleven 12th graders: Zachary Breault, Logan Breneman-Pennas, Ethan Fleck, Christopher Johnson, Madison Kung, Wesley Miller, Remie Suvanto, Jade Swiss, Maggie Young, Hannah Zipkin, and Will Zisson.  Click HERE to submit your note of congratulations and encouragement for the youth. The form will be available until Sunday, May 23rd. Thank you!
Reminder for Bridging Youth
Check your e-mails for an important message  sent yesterday about the Bridging ceremony and your participation. Thank you! 
K-4th Class Activity

K-4th Grade Families: During the week of May 9th, Norm will deliver activity kits for the May 16th earthworm food scrap composting activity. We are preparing soil, earthworms, and other materials for each child that has been participating in class and would love to include others we haven't seen in a while. You can opt in or out of receiving soil and earthworms by emailing Tracy ( 

Sunday, May 2nd

Worship 10:00am  

Rev. Meredith Garmon, “Healing"  
We must heal. And then heal others. But, wait. What's this "And then"? They happen simultaneously, and through the same actions.
 join Virtual Coffee HourAfter worship, 
Meeting: 336 956 2210 · Passcode: 468468

Click here to join our Sunday Worship Service 
Phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468
No Classes This Sunday

Religious Education (RE) classes do not meet this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you in RE on Sunday, May 16th (we are not holding classes on Mother’s Day, May 9th). The RE Announcements & Resources doc has information for all ages, plus local events and community needs. The full RE schedule is available here, including class dates and topics. Visit the Adult RE Parent/Caregiver class resource document with materials for adults who are supporting youth in developing healthy self-esteem and relationships. 

Connecting in Community
Announcements and Resources
for Children, Youth, Young Adults, CUUC, LGBTQIA+ 
& BIPOC & Our Local Communities, Plus Summer Camps

Click Here for All Announcements & Resources

A Few Highlights Listed Below
Center Lane is Reopening!

Center Lane, Westchester's LGBTQ+ youth center, will be open Tuesdays and Fridays from 3-6 with limited capacity. They will follow all of the protocols for COVID safety, including social distancing, and of course masks are required. Stop by for your gift bag! Center Lane is located at 30 South. Broadway 6th Floor, Room #7, Yonkers.
On The Journey - May

Our Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. In the May edition of "On the Journey” we'll be examining the theme of Healing. Don't miss it, and don't miss your Journey Group meeting to get together to work with this topic. Our Journey Groups meet through June, so if you haven’t signed up yet, you still have one month left! Click here to select and register for a Journey Group. Click here for the current and all past issues of “On the Journey.”

Day-in-Place, Sat May 1, CUUC grounds
This Saturday we'll be joined by representatives of the Ramapo Lenape Nation, and others from lineages of the Earth traditions. We light our Spirit Fire at sunrise, walk the Path Which Connects at 10:30, and raise voices together in an Earth Song Circle at noon. Bring your own food, drink, and folding chair as we appreciate and care for our land while safely distancing. Contact: Bice Wilson (
UUA Common Read

The UUA has chosen Breathe: A Letter to My Sons by Imani Perry as the 2020-2021 Common Read. We invite you to read Breathe, then join one of our five small group discussions:
~ Thu May 20 at 7:30pm, facilitated by Adine Usher & Jeff Tomlinson
~ Fri May 21 at 11:00am, facilitated by Tracy Breneman & Eddy Fried (of UUCHV)
~ Sat May 22 at 3:00pm, facilitated by Amy Nathan & Rev. Meredith Garmon
~ Sun May 23 at 12:00pm noon, facilitated by Eddy Fried & Tracy Breneman
~ Mon May 24 at 7:30pm, facilitated by Kevin McGahren-Clemens

To sign up, contact Pam Parker ( with your group choice. You can purchase Breathe from the UU Book Shop (800-215-9076). The e-book and audio book are at, and all are also in the Westchester Library System to borrow.
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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