

Music: Sun Sep 13


Solo Piano Music for Ingathering Service of 9/13/20


Shining Waters of Joy & Happiness: Adam Kent, piano
“La marchande d’eau
fraîche ” From Histoires (The Fresh-Water Seller Lady)

            Jacques Ibert


The French Impressionist composer Jacques Ibert included this invigorating, playful work in collection of piano works called Histoires, or “Stories,” popular among piano students for generations.


Stormy Waters of Grief & Sadness:

“De Profundis” from Sea Pieces, Op. 55

            Edward MacDowell


Edward MacDowell, one of the leading composers of the so-called Second New England School, was one of the U.S.’s first great composers of classical music.


Rushing Waters of Change & Transition:

“At Sea” from Poems of the Sea

            Ernst Bloch

In this breathless piece, the waters never seem to cease their roiling tumult, as their submerge snatches of a barely discernible melody.


Still Waters of Rest & Renewal:
“Au lac de Wallenstadt” from Ann
ées de Pèlerinage, Première Année “Suisse”

            Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt (played with debonaire charm by our own Chris Force at a Music at CUUC concert last season) memorialized his travels in a collection of piano pieces he called “Years of Pilgrimage.” His gentle homage to Wallenstadt Lake is included in his so-called “Swiss Year.”


Deep River

            Traditional African-American Spiritual arr. by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor




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