

5th-7th Grade Religious Education Newsletter: September 25, 2020


Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
September 25, 2020
2020-2021 Religious Education (RE) theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Supporting our young people in understanding justice issues, articulating their values, and engaging in faith in action with CUUC Social Justice teams. Fall 2020 Resources:
K-12th grade Religious Education (RE) is off to a great start! Last Sunday, classes discussed covenant, justice, and equity v. equality. Follow what the children and youth are learning in THIS document. You can also use this resource for conversations at home.

Ellery Churchmouse learns about Unitarian Universalism and deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, click HERE (Instagram). Each picture has a wonderful explanation. 

It's that yummy time of year! A Guide to Westchester Apple Picking

PEN America, Recommended Books for Our Moment

I Vote My UU Values

The graphic on the right was made by Claire Pullen, a UU young adult graphic designer. It is free to use, with credit. 

5th - 7th Grade Community

At-Home Resources from Last Sunday's Class

Last Sunday, Denice Tomlinson and Alex Sehdeva invited the youth to catch up and reconnect, they discussed a covenant, and explored our theme this year, Justice and Equity. You can use these materials for your own conversations at home. 

Class Meets this Sunday!

Sunday, September 27th, 11:45am-12:30/12:45pm  
Zoom 8428 Breakout Room | Zoom Mtg ID 817 388 428 + Passcode: 468468


The other classes are not meeting this Sunday but the 5th-7th class will meet. The election is right around the corner and our youth are discussing an action project (maybe making a video!). Our class Social Justice partner, Karen Leahy, will join us to talk about democratic voice and participation, and the UU the Vote campaign.

Click HERE for the updated fall schedule

Support Resources

With the new school year starting during a pandemic, many parents, children, and youth are feeling stressed. We are collecting resources to support, soothe, and inspire you. We will continue adding resources and hope you find them helpful, click, HERE
Social Conscience Series
Featuring Common

FREE! Important issues such as racism, sexism, and social advocacy are too often shortchanged or omitted in mainstream curriculum. Classes in this series aim to arm children and youth with the knowledge to effectively serve as tomorrow's leaders. Session 1: Finding Your Voice. For more information and to register, click HERE

Adult Community

Adult RE & Groups

Support for Conversations about Justice & Equity
This Sunday, Sep 27, 1:30pm in Rm 7899
This is the first of three fall sessions to support parents, grandparents, RE leaders and any adults who are having conversations about justice & equity with children and youth. 
We will discuss our own learning and journeys, and share approaches for shaping conversations with young people. This Sunday, we will highlight one of our fall 2020 justice topics, democratic participation and UU the Vote. Leaders: Tracy Breneman ( & Karen Leahy.

The CUUC Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. The Family Journey Group, led by Alex Sehdeva and Irene Cox, meets monthly on 2nd Fridays. Click HERE to see all groups and select the one that works best for you. For the September issue of On the Journey: "Journeying & Wandering," click HERE.

Beloved Conversations

Several CUUC members are participating in the Beloved Conversation 4-part online series this fall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and RE leaders to have support for the conversations you are having at home and in RE. Register for the Fall Term of of Beloved Conversations. Deadline to enroll is extended to Friday, September 25th. Register and receive a generous discount offered by an anonymous donor and matched by CUUC so your cost is only $25. Send payment confirmation to Joe Majsak for reimbursement or other payment arrangements. Learn more and register HERE

Stay Connected

Read All RE Newsletters Online HERE
Sign Up for RE Newsletters HERE
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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