
Music: Sun Oct 4


The monthly theme of Resilience and the weekly sermon title “The Inner Wound” prompt thoughts of Ludwig van Beethoven, the 250th anniversary of whose birth is marked in 2020. Beethoven perceived his growing hearing loss at around the age of 30. At first, he told no one, and, in his famous “Heiligenstadt Testament” of 1802, he raged against the cosmos at the injustice of being robbed of the one sense which should have been keener in him than in other mortals. His persistence as a composer, and the increasingly revolutionary music he penned, as he withdrew from public performance, is one of  history’s greatest examples of resilience and transcendence. The works by Beethoven included in this morning’s Gathering and Centering Music all date from this time of crisis.

In the world of the arts, white supremacy has existed side-by-side with a fascination with the culture of otherness. Many of the solo piano works performed this morning reflect the appropriation of non-white musical idioms by classical composers. Examples include the delightful rags of American composer William Bolcom, the Blues-inspired Prelude No. 2 of George Gershwin, Claude Debussy’s tribute to Vaudeville in his “Golliwogg’s Cakewalk,” and Manuel de Falla’s incorporation of Andalusian gypsy music in the dashing farruca from his ballet “El sombrero de tres picos.” Read on for programming details.

Gathering Music: Adam Kent, piano
Hymn 127: "Can I See Another's Woe?"

Piano Sonata No. 17 in D Minor, Op. 31, No. 2 “Tempest”

            II. Adagio

                                    Ludwig van Beethoven

Hymn 126: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"

Centering Music:
Piano Sonata No. 12 in Ab Major, Op. 26

I.               Andante con variazioni



Opening Music:

“Danza del molinero” from El sombrero de tres picos (“The Miller’s Dance” from The Three-Cornered Hat)

Manuel de Falla


Interlude I:
From “The Garden of Eden”

II.  The Eternal Feminine: A Slow Drag

William Bolcom

Interlude II:

From “The Garden of Eden”

IV.   Through Eden’s Gates: Cakewalk


Prelude No. 2 “Blues Lullaby”

                                                George Gershwin

Music for Parting:

Golliwogg’s Cakewalk

                                    Claude Debussy



8th-12th Grade Religious Education Newsletter: September 25, 2020


Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
September 25, 2020
2020-2021 Religious Education (RE) theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Supporting our young people in understanding justice issues, articulating their values, and engaging in faith in action with CUUC Social Justice teams. Fall 2020 Resources:
K-12th grade Religious Education (RE) is off to a great start! Last Sunday, classes discussed covenant, justice, and equity v. equality. Follow what the children and youth are learning in THIS document. You can also use this resource for conversations at home.

I Vote My UU Values

This graphic was made by Claire Pullen, a UU young adult graphic designer. It is free to use, with credit. 
Social Conscience Series
Featuring Common

FREE! Important issues such as racism, sexism, and social advocacy are too often shortchanged or omitted in mainstream curriculum. Classes in this series aim to arm children and youth with the knowledge to effectively serve as tomorrow's leaders. Session 1: Finding Your Voice. For more information and to register, click HERE

Support Resources

With the new school year starting during a pandemic, many parents, children, and youth are feeling stressed. We are collecting resources to support, soothe, and inspire you. We will continue adding resources and hope you find them helpful, click, HERE

8th - 12th Grade Community

Youth Communication

The 8th-12th grade RE class and Youth Group uses the GroupMe app to share information and reminders. It's important that ALL YOUTH join the GroupMe to connect with the group.  
1) Download the GroupMe app on your phone.
2) Use the QR code on the left to find and join the group, "CUUC/UUCR Youth Group."
3) Identify yourself so we know who is connected to each number - unidentified numbers will be removed from the group.

At-Home Resources from Last Sunday's Class

Last Sunday, Cyndi & Daniel Tillman and Jeff Tomlinson invited the youth to catch up and reconnect, they discussed covenant, and explored our theme this year, Justice and Equity. You can use these materials for your own conversations at home. 

No Class This Sunday, Sept. 27

Next Class, October 4th at 12:00pm

Sunday, October 4th, Jeff Tomlinson, CUUC Racial Justice/In the Spirit of Truth Team, will join class to talk with the youth about key issues in the work for racial justice and what the CUUC team has been active in locally. Youth will begin exploring ideas for an action they will participate in this fall. 

Click HERE for the updated fall schedule. 

Find our Anti-Racism/Racial Justice resources online HERE

Adult Community

Adult RE & Groups

Support for Conversations about Justice & Equity
This Sunday, Sep 27, 1:30pm in Rm 7899
This is the first of three fall sessions to support parents, grandparents, RE leaders and any adults who are having conversations about justice & equity with children and youth. We will discuss our own learning and journeys, and share approaches for shaping conversations with young people. This Sunday, we will highlight one of our fall 2020 justice topics, democratic participation and UU the Vote. Leaders: Tracy Breneman (cuucwptracy@gmail.com) & Karen Leahy.

The CUUC Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. The Family Journey Group, led by Alex Sehdeva and Irene Cox, meets monthly on 2nd Fridays. Click HERE to see all groups and select the one that works best for you. For the September issue of On the Journey: "Journeying & Wandering," click HERE.

Beloved Conversations

Several CUUC members are participating in the Beloved Conversation 4-part online series this fall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and RE leaders to have support for the conversations you are having at home and in RE. Register for the Fall Term of of Beloved Conversations. Deadline to enroll is extended to Friday, September 25th. Register and receive a generous discount offered by an anonymous donor and matched by CUUC so your cost is only $25. Send payment information to Joe Majsak for reimbursement or other payment arrangements. Learn more and register HERE

Stay Connected

Read All RE Newsletters Online HERE
Sign Up for RE Newsletters HERE
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

5th-7th Grade Religious Education Newsletter: September 25, 2020


Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
September 25, 2020
2020-2021 Religious Education (RE) theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Supporting our young people in understanding justice issues, articulating their values, and engaging in faith in action with CUUC Social Justice teams. Fall 2020 Resources:
K-12th grade Religious Education (RE) is off to a great start! Last Sunday, classes discussed covenant, justice, and equity v. equality. Follow what the children and youth are learning in THIS document. You can also use this resource for conversations at home.

Ellery Churchmouse learns about Unitarian Universalism and deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, click HERE (Instagram). Each picture has a wonderful explanation. 

It's that yummy time of year! A Guide to Westchester Apple Picking

PEN America, Recommended Books for Our Moment

I Vote My UU Values

The graphic on the right was made by Claire Pullen, a UU young adult graphic designer. It is free to use, with credit. 

5th - 7th Grade Community

At-Home Resources from Last Sunday's Class

Last Sunday, Denice Tomlinson and Alex Sehdeva invited the youth to catch up and reconnect, they discussed a covenant, and explored our theme this year, Justice and Equity. You can use these materials for your own conversations at home. 

Class Meets this Sunday!

Sunday, September 27th, 11:45am-12:30/12:45pm  
Zoom 8428 Breakout Room | Zoom Mtg ID 817 388 428 + Passcode: 468468


The other classes are not meeting this Sunday but the 5th-7th class will meet. The election is right around the corner and our youth are discussing an action project (maybe making a video!). Our class Social Justice partner, Karen Leahy, will join us to talk about democratic voice and participation, and the UU the Vote campaign.

Click HERE for the updated fall schedule

Support Resources

With the new school year starting during a pandemic, many parents, children, and youth are feeling stressed. We are collecting resources to support, soothe, and inspire you. We will continue adding resources and hope you find them helpful, click, HERE
Social Conscience Series
Featuring Common

FREE! Important issues such as racism, sexism, and social advocacy are too often shortchanged or omitted in mainstream curriculum. Classes in this series aim to arm children and youth with the knowledge to effectively serve as tomorrow's leaders. Session 1: Finding Your Voice. For more information and to register, click HERE

Adult Community

Adult RE & Groups

Support for Conversations about Justice & Equity
This Sunday, Sep 27, 1:30pm in Rm 7899
This is the first of three fall sessions to support parents, grandparents, RE leaders and any adults who are having conversations about justice & equity with children and youth. 
We will discuss our own learning and journeys, and share approaches for shaping conversations with young people. This Sunday, we will highlight one of our fall 2020 justice topics, democratic participation and UU the Vote. Leaders: Tracy Breneman (cuucwptracy@gmail.com) & Karen Leahy.

The CUUC Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. The Family Journey Group, led by Alex Sehdeva and Irene Cox, meets monthly on 2nd Fridays. Click HERE to see all groups and select the one that works best for you. For the September issue of On the Journey: "Journeying & Wandering," click HERE.

Beloved Conversations

Several CUUC members are participating in the Beloved Conversation 4-part online series this fall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and RE leaders to have support for the conversations you are having at home and in RE. Register for the Fall Term of of Beloved Conversations. Deadline to enroll is extended to Friday, September 25th. Register and receive a generous discount offered by an anonymous donor and matched by CUUC so your cost is only $25. Send payment confirmation to Joe Majsak for reimbursement or other payment arrangements. Learn more and register HERE

Stay Connected

Read All RE Newsletters Online HERE
Sign Up for RE Newsletters HERE
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

PreK-4th Grade Religious Education Newsletter: September 25, 2020


Religious Education & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
September 25, 2020
2020-2021 Religious Education (RE) theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Supporting our young people in understanding justice issues, articulating their values, and engaging in faith in action with CUUC Social Justice teams. Fall 2020 Resources:
K-12th grade Religious Education (RE) is off to a great start!
Last Sunday, classes discussed covenant, justice, and equity v. equality.
Follow what the children and youth are learning in
 THIS document. You can also use this resource for conversations at home. A link to the story and discussion questions are below. 

Ellery Churchmouse learns about Unitarian Universalism and deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, click HERE (Instagram). Each picture has a wonderful children's explanation. 

It's that yummy time of year! A Guide to Westchester Apple Picking.

I Vote My UU Values

The graphic on the right was made by Claire Pullen, a UU young adult graphic designer. It is free to use, with credit.

Support Resources

With the new school year starting during a pandemic, many parents, children, and youth are feeling stressed. We are collecting resources to support, soothe, and inspire you. We will continue adding resources and hope you find them helpful, click HERE

PreK  Community

Calling All Little Friends
to Meet and Play

Diane Keller and Hans invite PreK/K children to reconnect and play outside on the CUUC playground. Wear masks and bring your own snack/lunch so we aren't sharing food. Saturday, 11:00am-12:30/1:00pm, October 17, November 7 & 14. RSVP with Dianedakmv@aol.com.

At-Home Resource

We are excited to share this new resource! POP (Parents of Preschoolers) is a video-based, at-home curriculum grounded in Unitarian Universalism. We think all elementary families will enjoy this!
You will learn to understand your child's spiritual development, to build rituals that support this development, and to see yourself as a spiritual teacher. Each month, three short videos will be added to the POP website. CUUC has purchased the curriculum for you. Use the password below. Access the videos and worksheets at your own pace, then we'll connect and share learning (dates tba).
Click HERE and enter password, YouGotThis2020 (case sensitive)​.
Along the way, let us know what you think of this resource, cuucwptracy@gmail.com

K - 4th Grade Community

At-Home Resources from Last Sunday's Class

Last Sunday, Laura Goodspeed, Laura Sehdeva, and Norm Handelman led class. The children reconnected, discussed their class covenant and heard a story about how Dewey Doo-It helped a friend. You can listen to the story HERE and discuss it at home. 

Before Listening/Reading, Ask:
-What do you do when you’re hungry? 
-What if you don’t find something to eat that you like? 
-What if someone doesn’t have anything to eat - what would that be like? 

Introduce the Story: We’re going to hear a story and I want you to listen for a problem that happens in the story and how the friends helped. We’ll talk about that after we hear it, and then think about ways to solve the problem. 

Discuss After the Story:
-What was the problem that occurred in this story?
-How do you think Marty felt (about all the fruit falling from his tree and not having food)?
-What did Dewey and others do to help?

Close: Where there is a problem, we can work on a solution. We’ll be talking about solutions and what we can do to help.

The children also talked about justice and fairness.
Questions you can discuss at home: 

-Have you ever experienced something that wasn’t fair? How did that feel?
-When you are on the playground at school, how do you know what’s fair and not fair?
-What special tools do we have as UUs to help us know *how* to treat people fairly? (Our 7 Principles & proposed 8th Principle)

This year we are going to talk alot about being fair and just. Another at-home resources you can use comes from Feeding America, Hungry to Help Family Action Plan

No Class This Sunday, Sept. 27

Next Class, October 4th at 11:30am

Sunday, October 4th, Nicole Turygin, chair of the CUUC Hunger & Homelessness Social Justice Team will join class to talk with the children about hunger and food insecurity. Children will hear a story and begin exploring ideas for an action they can participate in this fall.  

Click HERE for the updated schedule and Zoom login link

Adult Community

Adult RE & Groups

Support for Conversations about Justice & Equity
This Sunday, Sep 27, 1:30pm in Rm 7899
This is the first of three fall sessions to support parents, grandparents, RE leaders and any adults who are having conversations about justice & equity with children and youth. We will discuss our own learning and journeys, and share approaches for shaping conversations with young people. This Sunday, we will highlight one of our fall 2020 justice topics, democratic participation and UU the Vote. Leaders: Tracy Breneman (cuucwptracy@gmail.com) & Karen Leahy.

The CUUC Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. The Family Journey Group, led by Alex Sehdeva and Irene Cox, meets monthly on 2nd Fridays. Click HERE to see all groups and select the one that works best for you. For the September issue of On the Journey: "Journeying & Wandering," click HERE.

Beloved Conversations

Several CUUC members are participating in the Beloved Conversation 4-part online series this fall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and RE leaders to have support for the conversations you are having at home and in RE. Register for the Fall Term of of Beloved Conversations. Deadline to enroll is extended to Friday, September 25th. CUUC participants will receive a generous discount offered by an anonymous donor and matched by CUUC so your cost is only $25. Send payment confirmation to Joe Majsak for reimbursement or other payment arrangements. Learn more and register HERE

Stay Connected

Read All RE Newsletters Online HERE
Sign Up for RE Newsletters HERE
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419