

From the Sabbatical Minister - March 5, 2020

The Sound of the Life of Your Minds

Over the past almost six months, you have shared so much with me - ideas you've had, ways you are making meaning and connection, books you've read, songs you love, ways of understanding your Unitarian Universalist faith, ways in which you are putting that faith into action. It has been amazing to share your answers and questions, thoughts and ideas, joys and concerns. These are the intangible things - these sounds of the life of your minds - that make ministry so rich for we who are called to be ministers.

And I imagine how much Rev. Meredith misses that - the every day sense of the life of your minds. I can imagine the kinds of questions he will ask you - questions like what have you been reading? what idea has captured your interest? what new things did you try? what have you learned? what has inspired you? what have you created? what have you incorporated into your daily practice? how has your life changed? what is bringing you meaning? what do you want to do next? 

I imagine Rev. Meredith would love to pore over your answers, dipping in to see the titles of books, the photos of events, the quotations and poems and thoughts that have emerged for you, the art you're making, the connections you're weaving.

What a way to welcome him back!

Beginning this Sunday (March 8) a table will be set up in the fireside area where you can add to a scrapbook that you will present to Rev. Meredith on April 5th - you can choose to take a page home to fill up (being sure to return it by March 29th) - or you can bring a list of things to add, or you can write up something, print it out, and we can attach it to a page. We'll leave the table up through March 29th, then I will put it all together and leave it in the office, ready to be presented to Rev. Meredith at his first service back on April 5th.

Please bring photos, graphics, art, words, lists - whatever you think Rev. Meredith might be interested in  - however you might answer the questions above. Remember to put your name on anything you submit so he knows what YOU are thinking about, not just what 'folks around here' are thinking about.

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