Special thanks to Racial Justice team members Amy Nathan, Jim Cobb and Rhonda Morgan for planning and leading special racial justice programming for our children and youth. They shared stories about the Civil Rights Movement and personal family history, and led meaningful discussions. It was a wonderful opportunity for our young people to connect with these adults and deepen their understanding of history and its legacy today.
Winter Weather Reminder
CUUC does not cancel the Sunday worship service for inclement weather. Weather might, however, affect RE if leaders cannot make it in. If we are canceling RE classes and youth group, Tracy will send an e-mail to all RE families and volunteers by 7:30am Sunday morning. If you do not hear from Tracy, RE is continuing as planned. As always, use your own best judgement about whether to venture out or not. If not all teachers can make it in, classes will combine. Leaders of other CUUC meetings and events will communicate with their members if their activities are affected.
Childcare (room 32, yellow hallway)
Diane K and Hans E welcome children into childcare every Sunday morning in room 32. Parents are welcome to bring comfort items from home. Please let Diane know if your child has allergies or specific needs.
Sunday, January 26, 2020 (click links below for individual class newsletters)
10:00am: We all start in the worship service then children, youth and volunteers leave for Religious Exploration classes and Youth Group. Children 3rd grade and younger must be picked up in their classroom.
PreK-1st grade World of Friends (room 33, yellow hallway)
We have a short break from the K-1st grade Our Whole Lives classes. PreK children rejoin class this Sunday as the class meet Ravi and Sumalee to lean about Hinduism and Sikhism. Laura G is leading and Donna V is assisting.
2nd-3rd grade Passport to Spirituality (room 43, green hallway)
The class travels to Bangkok, Thailand this Sunday to learn about Buddhism. One of their activities will be to write caring cards to members of the CUUC community and they will learn about the role of art in Buddhism. Norm H is leading and Karen L is assisting.
4th-5th grade Bibleodeon (room 21, blue hallway)
Children will learn the story of David and Goliath this Sunday as it offers lessons about courage. They will also talk about how 4th and 5th graders can handle the Goliaths in their lives. Janice S is leading and Ted K is assisting.
6th-7th grade World Religions (room 41, green hallway)
Lyra Harada is leading class this Sunday with a focus on how religions have influenced pop and other styles of music. She will share examples from her Shinto and Buddhist background, as well as others. Sophie Mitra is assisting.
8th-9th grade Coming of Age (room 11, red hallway)
Members of the Economic Justice team are leading this Sunday as the class continues exploring how Unitarian Universalists put their faith in action.
10th-12th grade Youth Group (room 14, red hallway)
Youth group meets with Daniel and Cyndi T to continue planning for the March 8th youth-led worship service. Sophie M is stopping by to share her experience with youth CONs and encourage youth to participate. During lunch, Rev. Kimberley will check in with the youth about how their ideas are taking shape and offer her support for planning.

The 6th & 7th grade World Religions class invites you to chili lunch following worship! Suggested donation: $5/adult, $3/child, $15/family max. No one turned away. NEW: Take-home option to enjoy chili later or share it (add $2).
We could use one or two more pots of chili and invite you to break out your favorite recipe. Please Sign Up Here.
Special Invitation: Mid-Year Check In
During lunch, RE Council members will be available for a mid-year check in. We have made some changes this year and would like to hear how things are going. What would you like us to know? Look for the tables with "RE Check In" signs.
Also during lunch, Rev. Kimberley will check in with the youth group about their planning for the March 8th youth-led worship service.
Connecting in Community
Connect With Our Children & Youth
There are openings coming up for you to get to know our children and youth by serving as an assistant in a Religious Education class. No preparation required! Just spend an hour with our amazing children and youth while you fulfill our Safe Congregation practice of having two adults with our young people at all times. Click here to view available dates - then volunteer!
Backpack Donations
The Hunger & Homelessness Social Justice Team is sponsoring a backpack drive to support the Brighter Futures After School Mentoring Program. Throughout the month of January, you can sponsor a backpack or purchase items to fill backpacks. Click here for the flyer with more information. Contact Amy Swiss with questions (amyswiss@aol.com).
Sunday Morning Greeters
We would love to have families greet Sunday morning before worship. Children and youth are an important part of our community and it would be wonderful to include them in greeting members and guests! Your family would be in place 9:45-10:15am. Contact Jane Dixon (lilrhodie@gmail.com) to sign up for a Sunday.
Serving Indigenous and Families of Color
I would like to be in conversation with Indigenous and Families of Color (you or someone in your family is Indigenous or a Person of Color) who attend CUUC. I am wondering if our RE ministry is meeting your needs and would be grateful for a conversation around what that means for you, what it means for you and your family to feel supported and served in this community. Please feel welcome to speak with me any Sunday after worship or to reach out via e-mail (CUUCWPTracy@gmail.com) or by phone/text (914-434-7539). Thank you, Tracy
Congregational Survey
The Committee on Ministry is evaluating how we support our spiritual development and asks you to help by answering a survey. It should take 10-15 minutes and responses are confidential. You can take the survey online here. The survey is open until Monday, February 3rd. Contact Tom Wacht with questions (tjwachtesq@aol.com).
Drag Queen Story Hour at Putnam Valley Library
Drag Queen Story Hour celebrates "the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models." The library is receiving criticism from a Catholic group. You might consider sending a letter of support to the library and enjoying the event with your children on Saturday, February 1st. Visit their calendar for more information.
Especially for Youth
UU Common Read
Our UU Common Read book this year is An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States and An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People. Written by Indigenous scholar and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, this book challenges readers to learn US history through a narrative that centers the story, the experiences, and the perspectives of Indigenous peoples. We invite our youth to participate in upcoming discussions of the book at CUUC! Copies are available at coffee hour. Contact Jeff Tomlinson.
Metro NY Social Youth CON
The UU congregation in Summit, NJ is hosting a social CON for 9th-12th graders Friday, January 31-Sunday, February 2. The theme is CONspiracy. Social CONS are youth events that provide a safe space for UU youth to have a weekend of worship, workshops and fun! Jane Cowan from the Rockland UU will serve as our adult sponsor for the weekend. Click here for more information and to register.
Regional Senior High CON
Conpassion will be a day long conference (con) event planned by youth with the support of adults. At heart a youth con is an experience in building covenantal community. It is an immersive UU community experience where youth find love and acceptance. Our con theme and focus will be love and compassion. It will incorporate community building, fun, worship, spirituality, and youth leadership. The UU Congregation of Rockland is hosting this one-day CON for 9th-12th grade youth, Saturday, February 15th, 9:00am-8:30pm. Youth Deans are Tracy K and Luke J. Cap is 35 youth so register soon. Youth registration, click here. Adult registration, click here.
Teen Benefit Concert & Dinner
Rivertown Teens invites youth from various religious denominations to work together to host a benefit performance and dinner to support a cause of their choosing. This is a great way to meet youth from other faith traditions and contribute to an important social need. Click here for the flyer which has more information. The CUUC contact is Joe Gonzalez.
Teen Essay Contest
Lifting Up Westchester is holding their 3rd annual Annual Student Essay Contest. This year’ theme is Why Hope Is Important, particularly at times of personal hardship and diversity. What is hope? Beyond basic necessities of food and shelter, do we need hope to thrive? How do you restore hope in someone who has lost it? The deadline to enter is January 31st. Click here for more information.
River Rising - Fantastic Youth Leadership Building Opportunity
July 5-11 at the UU Church of North Hills near Pittsburgh, PA
July 27-August 2 at Main Line UU Church near Philadelphia, PA
Registration is open for the UUA's Central East Region 2020 River Rising Youth Immersion Experiences! Through covenant, collaborative leadership, skill building, games, silent reflection, personal challenges, spiritual practices and many magical moments both planned and not, we grew stronger, resilient and capable of facing the future. Read more here and register here. Deadline for scholarships is June 1st.
RE In the Coming Weeks
- Sunday, February 2nd - All begin in worship at 10:00am then leave for RE classes and youth group. Following youth group, youth have a worship planning discussion with Rev. Kimberley and Tracy.
- Sunday, February 9th - All begin in worship at 10:00am then most leave for RE classes and youth group. The Coming of Age class will remain in the worship service then have a sermon and worship planning discussion with Rev. Kimberley and Tracy following worship.
- February 16th - All begin in worship at 10:00am then leave for RE classes and youth group. Some of the children's classes will have Children's Worship with Tracy and Amy Swiss to learn about the Brighter Futures After School Mentoring Program and fill backpacks with donations the Hunger & Homeless team collected.
- Adult Journey Groups meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday and Friday, the 3rd Thursday and Friday, the 4th Sunday and Wednesday, and the 4th Thursday. Click here for more information.
Ahead of Sundays when classes and youth group meet, each class and group receives their own individualized weekly newsletter. If you would like to receive one or more RE newsletters in your e-mail, sign up here.
I look forward to seeing you!
in fellowship, Tracy
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