

Religious Exploration: Sun Sep 15

Religious Exploration (RE) Classes and Youth Group Begin this Sunday!

The Religious Education Council worked hard this summer to lay the groundwork for RE this year.  My thanks to Christine Haran and Laura Goodspeed (Co-Chairs), Laura Sehdeva, David Bowen, Janice Silverberg, and Joe Gonzalez! Teachers and youth group advisors have been meeting to review curricula and set schedules.  We are ready to begin a new year of RE this Sunday, September 15th and look forward to seeing you!

I ask all families with children and youth through 12th grade to please complete a RE registration form to help me get to know you.  I want to make sure I have current contact information as well as notes about allergies, dietary restrictions, neurodiversity and any other information that will help us serve your family.  Registration forms are on our website here, to print, complete, and return to my mailbox at CUUC.  Forms will also be available at parent-teacher meetings this Sunday. 

Rev. Kimberley Debus, our sabbatical minister, is offering to lead a RE class for adults and youth. Let her know which topics interest you by visiting a short survey here to read and rank your choices. Or you can post your preference on the board available in the sanctuary. (Please participate only once, online or on the board.)

NEW: To bridge the sanctuary and RE sides of the building, and to promote safety, CUUC will have a single point of entry.  Every Sunday, we will all enter through the main doors near the sanctuary.  The doors at the RE lobby will be locked.

 We are experimenting with a new schedule that has us starting in the worship service together every Sunday.  Some Sundays we will remain for the hour of Whole Congregation Worship.  Other Sundays, children, youth, and volunteers will leave during the first hymn for RE.

The 2019 fall RE calendar is on our website here.  I will post updates in this blog each week, along with information about what each class and group is doing.  On your way home from worship, RE classes, journey groups and committee meetings, I encourage you to share thoughts around these three questions:
1.     What did I learn about Unitarian Universalism?
2.     What did I learn about the way Unitarian Universalists think and see the world?
3.     What did I learn about the way we act and behave as Unitarian Universalists, as we are in relationship with each other?

This Sunday, September 15th, we all begin in the sanctuary.  During the first hymn, our children, youth, and volunteers will leave for classes and youth group.  Parents, we invite you to the classrooms at 11:30am to meet the adults who will spend this year with your child, and for an introduction to the curriculum and schedule. While parents are meeting with teachers, Diane is extending childcare, and older children and youth will play Social Justice Bingo in the Fellowship Hall.  We offer the following for children and youth Sunday mornings: 

  • Childcare, ABC UU Values: room 32 with Diane Keller and Hans Elsevier
  • PreK-1st Grade, A World of New Friends: room 33 with Laura Goodspeed, Laura Sehdeva and Donna Vought 
  • 2nd-3rd Grade, Passport to Spirituality: room 24 with Karen Leahy, Deb Margoluis, Norm Handelman, Cindy Kramer and Aaron Norris
  • 4th-5th Grade, Bibleodeon: room 21 with Janice Silverberg, Suzanne Cacchione, Christine Major, Alex Zisson and Ted Kuczinski
  • 6th-7th Grade, Neighboring Faiths: room 41 with Gail Johnston, Nicole Turygin, Muhammad Loutfy, Sophie Mitra, Chris Breault
  • 8th-9th Grade, Coming of Age: room 11 with Denice Tomlinson, Alex Sehdeva, and Kate Colson (additional COA mentors joining the team later this fall include Christine Haran, Tori Weisel, Erin Foster, Charles McNally and Barry Litcofsky)
  • 10th-12th Grade, Youth Group: room 14 with Cyndi Tillman, Dan Tillman, Jason Stoff and Imelda Cruz Aveelan.  This Sunday, I will also be with the youth group. 

Stay tuned for information about classes and groups meeting at other times.  And for information about the December to February K-1st Grade Our Whole Lives class with David Bowen, Janet Wafer-White and Joni Ehrlich.

I am grateful to the RE Council and all of these RE volunteers for launching the new year in Religious Exploration at CUUC.  I look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

in fellowship, Tracy

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