Well, the weather gets better and better and the RE school year is rapidly coming to a close. It goes without saying that the pace of activities and events has multiplied exponentially. Nor am I surprised that this past Sunday RE was running on high octane and yet all was accomplished in fine order! The morning began with a very fun and happy event, which was the breakfast for Special Friends. The excited, anonymous pen pals came to Fellowship Hall resplendent in their colorful pink, blue, purple, and yellow top hats. Some had Mardi Gras eye masks. There was Sunday Sailor, Ninja Princess, Salamander Street, and Cool Kid 77 to list a few pen names. Special Friends resulted in about 18 co-correspondents and all appeared to be engaged in animated conversations, not one face without a big smile! Many, many thanks to Laura Goodspeed who orchestrated this entire friend fest right down to a delicious breakfast of muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. What a feat well done! Lyra Harada was definitely pumped up as were the students as they continued rehearsing their performance of “It’s a Small World.” The kids were totally relaxed with their percussion instruments and started to really tailor their dance moves, pretending they were marching down the sanctuary aisles. I know Disneyworld has a market on their recording of this song during the ride, but I must confess they have nothing on our singing troupe. As we moved along at breakneck speed last Sunday morning, Laura Goodspeed worked with the 4th–5th and 6th–7th grade students and teachers to create ideas for a skit centered around our Social Justice Sunday programs that were presented over the past few weeks ago. Completion of the skit will be on this Sunday and it will be performed on June 16. I, in turn, had the pleasure of visiting 2nd–3rd grade class to rehearse their skit, which they will perform this Sunday during the Affirmation Ceremony. It did not take a New York minute for the students to voice their choices for roles. One young lady said she wanted to be the narrator, as she is a great actress. Well, I guess she showed me, and to my delight as well as the teachers', there were many rising stars discovered that morning! A second rehearsal is planned right before the service this Sunday, when the class will be honored at their Affirmation Ceremony. So as they say in show biz, “break a leg” or at the very least, simply show us why we are so proud of you! Our two very special Sunday services, on June 9 and 16, are so very exciting, with the Affirmation Ceremony and skit for 2nd–3rd grade class and the barbeque, then our RE Sunday is jam packed with the Bridging Ceremony, procession of classes with banners, special songs, 4th–5th and 6th–7th classes skit, and so much more! What joy and pride is in store for families, teachers, students, and the congregation in witnessing the completion of another RE year. All of the children and youth will receive our affirmation that they are the future ambassadors of Unitarian Universalism, and they exemplify our principles with maturity, kindness, and goodwill far beyond their years.
Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator
Looking ahead...
RE This Sunday, Jun 9
Grades 2-3 start in Fellowship Hall to practice the Affirmation ceremony. Grades 4-7 start in the sanctuary. Grades 8-12 start in class.
Faith Development Friday, Fri Jun 14, CUUC
Our evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community. 6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner; 7:00pm Programs; 8:30pm Coffee. Programs include “Faith Like a River” Adult RE and Family Journey Group. All are welcome to stay after the programs to share coffee and a chat. RSVP to
CUUCevents@gmail.com by Fri 12:00 noon so we know how much pizza to order.
RE Party for Michele Rinaldi & Perry Montrose, Sun Jun 16, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall
After our Religious Education Sunday service, join us at a party to thank Perry and Michele for all their hard work on our RE program this year and to bid them a fond farewell. We wish them both all good things in the future!
$500 Voucher toward UU Camp
Sophia Fahs RE Summer Camp, Sun Aug 18 - Sat Aug 24, Camp Echo, Burlingham, NY
After 38 years on Shelter Island, the Sophia Fahs Camp has moved to Camp Echo in Burlingham, NY. Thanks to a special grant, a limited number of $500 VOUCHERS are available to NEW CAMPERS. Vouchers are first come/first served. Deadline Jul 1 2019. To request a voucher, email
sophiafahs@gmail.com or contact the CUUC office.
UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:
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