

Religious Education: Sun May 26

With only a week left in May there is, I’m sure, a collective rejoicing from "non winter" folks as we herald in the summer that is right around the bend! But before we start that celebration, let’s marvel at yet another impactful Children's Worship and Social Justice Sunday program last week. Lyra Harada, our children's music director, continued with the rehearsal of "It’s a Small World" for RE Sunday Jun 16. This day, however, she incorporated choreography for K-7 as well. Everyone was very animated and really showing off their starring roles. There was a lot of laughing, exuberant singing, and great dance moves. Watch out, producers of Chorus Line! The third and last installment of Social Justice Sundays was presented to 4th-7th grades by the LGBTQIA co-chairs, Tony Arrien and Joann Prinzivalli, and team members. The discussion centered around the story, "Red, A Crayon’s Story." "Red" is a blue crayon with a red wrapper, so he can only draw blue no matter how much he resists. His mother sends him out to play with a yellow classmate ("go draw a nice orange!"), but Red is miserable. He just can’t be red no matter how hard he tries! A brand new friend gives him a whole new perspective and he discovers that he is blue. Red can now be himself, and finds he has the courage to be true to who he really is. The lesson as explained by Tony and Joann hit home in a very poignant, deep way. The students saw this story as a metaphor for all individuals on the LGBTQ spectrum, often struggling to find their inner selves, just like the crayon Red. Even though Red is exactly the way he came from the factory, he didn’t feel red, nor act like red. Instead he was happiest when he was blue because that is who he was meant to be. The analogy to factory reminds us all that we do not choose the form, appearance, and role we are born into, but that does not mean we shouldn’t strive to embrace the ones we were meant to own and live. So, three more weeks of RE are busily being planned to celebrate Affirmation and our Bridging Ceremony. Combined with all this are our annual barbeque and Father's Day, as well as the Annual Meeting. The conclusion of the RE school year is an exciting time for families, students, and the congregation and is a testimonial to the children's continuing growth and engagement in CUUC. Our hope is that the years students spend in RE provide a guidepost to lifelong dedication to compassion, acceptance, and humanistic counsel to others.

Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, May 26
No Religious Education classes. The nursery will be available for the youngest.

College Scholarship Awards - last week to apply
Each year CUUC offers two scholarships in the amount of $250 for our graduating seniors. Qualifying youth are encouraged to send a short essay on their contributions and leadership at CUUC, with a brief explanation of how the scholarship will be used, and the names of two CUUC references to by Fri May 31.

Special Friends Meet-Up Breakfast, Sun Jun 2, 9:00am, Fellowship Hall
To our Special Friends pen pals: you are formally invited to our Special Friends reveal breakfast on Sunday, June 2, at 9:00am in Fellowship Hall. We will have disguises for you to help create an air of mystery! Please let us know if you are not able to attend so that we can let your friend know in advance. Contact Laura Goodspeed ( Hope you've been having fun making a new friend at CUUC!

RE Party for Michele Rinaldi & Perry Montrose, Sun Jun 16, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall
After our Religious Education Sunday service, join us at a party to thank Perry and Michele for all their hard work on our RE program this year and to bid them a fond farewell. We wish them both all good things in the future!

Summer programs for youth and young adults are an important way to support young Unitarian Universalists in their faith development and help them discern their life’s calling. Learn more about summer programs offered by the UUA office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at

UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:
  • Ferry Beach is oceanfront in ME.
  • The Mountain is atop the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.
  • The Rowe Center is in the Berkshire Mountains in MA.
  • Sophia Fahs RE Camp is one week in August on Shelter Island.
  • Star Island is a 46-acre island off the NH coast.
  • Unirondack is in the NY Adirondacks.
  • Murray Grove is a Universalist retreat center nearby in NJ.
  • UUMAC Retreat is one week in July at DeSales University in PA.
  • CERSI is one week in July in Oberlin, OH. cersiuu.or
  • SUUSI is a weeklong multignerational event in North Carolina.

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