

Religious Education: Sun Jun 2

There were no RE classes this past Sunday, in light of the fact that it was Memorial Day weekend. Now of course it is common practice, and one celebrated by many as the “unofficial” kick off of the summer, to go to the beach or join families and friends at a barbeque. Lest we forget the teachings of Unitarian Universalism that we provide to our students, let’s take a moment to recognize the true message of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a living testament and remembrance of all those individuals who participated in war to defend our country and way of life. They fought to protect and defend the well-being of countries assaulted by aggressive governments and, in the process, sacrificed their very lives. War has pervaded our society and humanity since time immemorial: The Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so the list continues to grow. Structures of evil have swallowed up millions of lives in the name of power, control, prejudice, inequity, and greed. All those in our armed services were standard bearers for the very principles that UUs - as well as our society at large - hold dear. Memorial Day honors and immortalizes their actions and their mission to uphold justice, honesty, peace, and the democratic process. These individuals may be gone but never their place as our role models. We as a community may never be placed in such jeopardy of actual demise, however should we do anything less in our daily lives? I think not, as it is not only our right, but responsibility to behave as soldiers ourselves. Our Unitarian Universalist covenant enables us to reach our children, other congregants, and people at large with a message of hope, a desire to live in harmony, and an abiding affirmation of the sanctity of life. In doing this, we pay homage to all those who came before us and offered the ultimate sacrifice. They were and remain the best of humanity, and we thank them with our continuing love.

Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, Jun 2
All ages start in classrooms.

College Scholarship Awards - deadline extended
CUUC is offering two scholarships in the amount of $250 for our graduating seniors. Qualifying youth are encouraged to send a short essay on their contributions and leadership at CUUC, with a brief explanation of how the scholarship will be used, and the names of two CUUC references to by Mon Jun 3.

Special Friends Meet-Up Breakfast, Sun Jun 2, 9:00am, Fellowship Hall
Our Special Friends pen pals will meet for a reveal breakfast on Sunday, June 2, at 9:00am in Fellowship Hall. We will have disguises for you to help create an air of mystery! Please let us know ASAP if you are not able to attend so that we can let your friend know in advance. Contact Laura Goodspeed (

Faith Development Friday, Fri Jun 14, CUUC
Our evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community. 6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner; 7:00pm Programs; 8:30pm Coffee. Programs include “Faith Like a River” Adult RE and Family Journey Group. All are welcome to stay after the programs to share coffee and a chat. RSVP to by Fri 12:00 noon so we know how much pizza to order.

RE Party for Michele Rinaldi & Perry Montrose, Sun Jun 16, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall
After our Religious Education Sunday service, join us at a party to thank Perry and Michele for all their hard work on our RE program this year and to bid them a fond farewell. We wish them both all good things in the future!

$500 Voucher toward UU Camp
Sophia Fahs RE Summer Camp, Sun Aug 18 - Sat Aug 24, Camp Echo, Burlingham, NY
After 38 years on Shelter Island, the Sophia Fahs Camp has moved to Camp Echo in Burlingham, NY. Thanks to a special grant, a limited number of $500 VOUCHERS are available to NEW CAMPERS. Vouchers are first come/first served. Deadline Jul 1 2019. To request a voucher, email ​

UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:

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