

Religious Education: Sun Apr 28

Last Sunday, Easter, signified a highly religious time for Christians, and coincided with the uplifting Passover holiday for Jews. It should not be lost on anyone that both holidays celebrate victory over evil and life transcending death. In more of a figurative context, these holidays occur during spring and thus signify revitalization, rebirth, and resurrection of hopes, dreams, faith, and our communal connection to each other and the world. What better day to have the RE children celebrate life, exhibiting their childlike innocence in laughter, fun, and camaraderie. There were approximately 12 to 15 children who participated in Easter activities. Lyra Harada, our children’s music director, provided a backdrop with festive music as the students rotated amongst activities of dying eggs, decorating cookies, and decorating bags in which to carry their eggs. What next of course to round out the day but an egg hunt! This was a great time for all the children and adults as well. So now we look forward to this Sunday, April 28, which affords the congregation an opportunity to share in elements of a communal traditional Passover seder meal with each other. At the end of the service, all the RE students are invited to Fellowship Hall where - in Passover tradition – they will look for the afikoman, the hidden piece of matzo. Who will find it, I wonder?

Let us all revel in the arrival of spring and the re-affirmation or rebirth of our UU values. May the promise of tomorrow and our hopes and dreams dispel our transgressions and provide us with an abundance of compassion, respect, and spiritual growth.

Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, April 28
Grades 8-9 will start in class. All other grades will be in the sanctuary for our Passover service.

2019 Variety Show, Sat May 4, 5:00pm (pizza for performers at 4:30pm),
Variety Show Rehearsal, Fri May 3, 4:30-7:00pm (NOTE CORRECT DATE)
The 7th Annual Variety Show is one week away! How will YOU participate?
• Perform - contact Kate Breault ( or sign up in the RE lobby
• Bake - contact Benetta Barnett (
• Donate Raffle Prizes - contact Kate (for example: restaurant gift certificates, bouquets of flowers, wine, movie gift cards, new games for kids, chocolates, etc.)
Remember the Variety Show is for EVERYONE, not just kids. Come have fun! Invite your friends! Proceeds from this year's show go to PrideWorks, supporting Westchester LGBTQ youth and their allies.

Faith Development Friday, Fri May 10, 6:15 Pizza & Salad, 7:00 Programs
Save the date for our next evening of community and spiritual growth. Programs include Faith Like a River Adult RE, and Family Journey Group for parents and kids. RSVP to by 12 noon Fri May 10, so we know how much pizza to order.

Remember your Special Friends letters!

UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:

Ferry Beach is oceanfront in ME.

The Mountain is atop the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.

The Rowe Center is in the Berkshire Mountains in MA.

Sophia Fahs RE Camp is one week in August on Shelter Island.

Star Island is a 46-acre island off the NH coast.

Unirondack is in the NY Adirondacks.

Murray Grove is a Universalist retreat center nearby in NJ.

UUMAC Retreat is one week in July at DeSales University in PA.

CERSI is one week in July in Oberlin, OH.

SUUSI is a weeklong multignerational event in North Carolina.

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