

Religious Education News: Sun Apr 7

Last Sunday the hills may have been alive with the sound of music, but at CUUC, there was also the “ching–ching” of money coming our way in response to our canvass kick-off service. The revamping of The Sound of Music to “The Sound of Money” was not only original (written by Rev. Garmon) but entertainingly executed by Kim Force and the ensemble. It brought a lot of laughs and hopefully lots of giving to help us dream our dreams and live our mission. RE as always was very busy and quite interesting. Lyra Harada, our Children's Music Educator, provided a well-received lesson in the grade 4-5 and 6-7 classes. Students had the opportunity to hear a diverse selection of music from Mendelssohn to Mozart. They were provided the chance to vote for one out of four female composers, but then vote if the male in each of their lives took the credit! Quite thought provoking and definitely an original twist… The grade 2-3 class I observed led by Norm Handelman and Doreen Rossi was very interesting. The session was “Is there a God?” A difficult topic or concept by any measure, and appropriately predicated by reminding the students of our fourth principle, which is the belief that each person is free to search for what is true and right. The children were invited to talk about what they have heard or read about God, and were asked what or who God was. Many of the children were remarkably insightful and described God in a variety of ways: spirit, the earth, the air, love, etc. The class was beautifully facilitated by the teachers and set the stage for the accompanying lesson next week. Time has a way of eluding us in RE every Sunday and that is due in part to the depth and breadth of classroom activities and engagement. We are looking forward to the arrival of April and the many more CUUC and RE events that come with it!

Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, April 7
Grades K-3 start in the sanctuary, grades 4-5 in Fellowship Hall, grades 8-9 in their classroom, and youth group in the sanctuary.

Faith Friday, Fri Apr 12, 6:15pm, Fellowship Hall
Our evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community. 6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner; 7:00pm Programs; 8:30pm Coffee. Programs include Adult RE and Family Journey Group. Adults may also just come for a slice and unstructured social time together. All are welcome to stay after the programs to share coffee and a chat. RSVP to by 12:00 noon on Fri Apr 12.

2019 Variety Show Fundraiser, Sat May 4, 5:00pm
Help us get ready for the fun! PERFORMERS (adults AND kids) sign up in the RE lobby; BAKE SALE sign-ups: Contact Benetta Barnett (; RAFFLE PRIZE DONATIONS: Contact Liz Suvanto (

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