

Religious Education News: Jan 20

Last Sunday was one of those special days when the grade K–5 Children’s Worship was led by Perry Montrose, our director of faith development. In short order he ably gathered all the children in a cozy circle and read a story revolving around the theme of simplicity and the need to enhance our lives with that concept. The children got to interact and act out various actions of the character as Perry read. He then played a short video of “city” life, with crowds of people, horns blowing, tons of cars traveling fast, and asked the children if this whirlwind pace was a simple life and did they like it. Surprisingly, a few of them said it was too busy and “crazy.” It appeared that the story and video clearly demonstrated the need as well as the desire to enjoy calmness and focus. Certainly, a simple life speaks for itself. We are midway through January forging our way toward the heart of winter, but the cold and snow will not deter us from many exciting events to come. We are preparing to celebrate MLK day this Sunday, and getting our appetites and community spirit geared towards the annual Chili Meal fundraiser next week.

Michele Rinaldi
Religious Education Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, Jan 20
All ages in Fellowship Hall for MLK Sunday activities.

Religious Education Special Friends Sign Up
Join us for this pen pal program that anonymously matches children and adults in the congregation so they get to know each other better. After exchanging six letters over nine weeks, the pen pals get to meet at the Canvass Community Meal on Sun Mar 31. The letter exchanges begin on Sun Jan 27. Please email to sign up.

Chili Community Meal, Sun Jan 27
The heat of chili and the warmth of community. Hosted by the 4th-5th and 6th-7th grade RE classes to support their social justice projects. Please email if you would like to bring a pot of chili to support the class. Cost: $5 per Adult, $3 per child, $15 max per family.

In the Community - Family Friendly MLK Events

“The Dream Is Still Alive: Remembering Dr. King with Songs for Peace, Justice, and Equality,” Jim Scott in Concert, Fri Jan 18, 7:30pm, UU Fellowship of Northern Westchester, 236 S Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco
Jim Scott, composer of “Gather the Spirit” and other UU hymns, will lead a participatory songfest of music celebrating the ideals that Dr. Martin Luther King championed. More about Jim at Sliding Scale Admission $12-20. Purchase tickets at

Bookfair to Benefit the MLK Freedom Library, Mon Jan 21, 11:00am – 4:00pm, Barnes & Noble, 230 Main Street, City Center, White Plains OR online
Come to Barnes & Noble for a day of activities - OR - order items online from Jan 19 to Jan 24 at and enter ID #12464053 at checkout. Purchases benefit the MLK Freedom Library. Flyer at

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