

RE News: Sun May 27

Lifespan Religious Education
Our Coming of Age Service last Sunday included a family COA ritual in which parents named something that they are going to let go of as their youth move from childhood into young adulthood. Their statements were reinforced by lighting flash paper in our chalice that vanished before our eyes. This action brought home the visceral feeling of letting go and connected with all the ways we need to let go in our lives. The Bridging Ceremony at the RE Sunday Service on June 10 will be another letting go ritual, showing us the stages of independence that children, and the adults in their lives, move through. Of course, as attested to by the recent story about the 30-year-old Hudson Valley man who was evicted by his parents, we know the process does not happen overnight or in a linear fashion, but our rituals help us recognize the need to shift the orientation of the relationship as the stages of life unfold.

Please see the following four (4) announcements:

1) This Sun May 27
All ages participate in a Fun Sunday program.


June 3 - Regular RE with review and preparation for RE Sunday. This is a great way for your child to capture the meaning of the year and what it was all about, whether having attended each week or infrequently.

June 10 - RE Sunday Service and Barbecue - Our meaningful celebration of the year in RE that includes the banner parade for all classes, children's participation in the service, and the Bridging Ceremony for high school seniors.

To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.

2) College Scholarship Awards
Each year CUUC offers two scholarships in the amount of $250 for our graduating seniors. One scholarship is given in honor of Sylvia Schnall-Pierorazio and the other Rev. Betty Baker, both former CUUC Directors of Religious Education.

Please send a short essay on your contributions and leadership at CUUC, with a brief explanation of how the scholarship will be used and the names of two CUUC references to by May 31.

3) Unirondack Family & Friends Weekend This Weekend - May 25-28
Join other CUUC families at this Unitarian camp on Memorial Day weekend for family fun and connection.
A few of our families attended last year and had a great time.

For information and to register, CLICK HERE.
Contact Rebecca Rugg at to find out more from an attendee.

4) UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:

Ferry Beach is oceanfront in ME.
The Mountain is atop the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.
The Rowe Center is in the Berkshire Mountains in MA.
Sophia Fahs RE Camp is one week in August on Shelter Island.
Star Island is a 46-acre island off the NH coast.
Unirondack is in the NY Adirondacks.
Murray Grove is a Universalist retreat center nearby in NJ.!camping-in-the-grove/c15no
UUMAC Retreat is one week in July at DeSales University in PA.
The Central East Region offers a Summer Institute focused on climate change.
SUUSI is a weeklong multignerational event in North Carolina.

Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development

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