You may have wandered for only a short while or it may have felt like ages in a desert before you arrived. It may have been years ago or just recently that you found your way to CUUC. Whatever your wandering and at what period in your life you landed here, I am glad that you have found this congregation to be your faith community. You may still be wandering, in regard to finding the right connection here and the fully meaningful experience that you desire. I invite you for a conversation about your personal faith development at CUUC. Email or call me and let’s chat about your journey.
Please see the following five (5) announcements:
1) This Sun Mar 4
K-5th start in the sanctuary for the Wonder Box Story.
6th-7th are on a trip.
8th-12th start in classrooms.
Pre-K - Chalice Children
K-1 - Creating Home: Bless This Meal
2nd-3rd - Passport to Spirituality: India (Hindu: yoga)
4th-5th - Bibleodeon: Solomon Part 1
6th-7th – Neighboring Faiths: Sikhism Trip (leave at 10am)
8th-9th – Coming of Age: Spiritual Practice with Yoga and Qigong
10th-12th – Youth Group: Youth Service Planning
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.

We invite you to join us for this pal program that anonymously matches children and adults in the congregation to get to know each other.
After exchanging six letters over ten weeks, you get to meet your pen pal at the Pancake Brunch on May 6. The letter exchange begins on March 4.
Please email me at dlre@cucwp.org to sign up.
3) Metro NY Junior High Youth Con Registration
March 24-25 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset, NY.
This event is for youth in grades 6-8 and a fun opportunity to connect with other UU youth.
For more information please CLICK HERE.
To register please CLICK HERE.
For questions about event programming please contact Denice Tomlinson at denice1uu@yahoo.com
For questions about event registration please contact Charlie Neiss at cneiss@aol.com
4) Save the Date for Faith Development Friday
Fri Mar 16 is our next Faith Development Friday (Pizza dinner at 6:15; programs at 7).
Programs include Faith Like a River Adult RE, Family Journey Group, and Youth Social.
RSVP to cuucevents@gmail.com
5) Refugee Children Need Friends
The family that recently arrived from Afghanistan and is living in White Plains would like to make some new friends. Would you and your children like to meet them, maybe for a play date or shared outdoor activity? (The children are 4, 5 and 10.)
For more information, please contact Jane Dixon, lilrhodie@gmail.com
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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