Find your power! Okay, we may not be able to bring back your electricity, but we can repair and electrify your inner power in our faith community. Being together to support one another and reflect on life topics, as we worship and learn in our welcoming community, nourishes the energy we need to flourish in the week ahead.
Please see the following five (5) announcements:
1) This Sun Mar 11
K-5th start in Fellowship Hall for a music-focused Children's Worship, led by Lyra.
6th-12th start in classrooms.
Pre-K - Chalice Children
K-1 - Creating Home: John Murray
2nd-3rd - Passport to Spirituality: Utah (Mormon: tithing)
4th-5th - Bibleodeon: Solomon Part 2
6th-7th – Neighboring Faiths: Buddhism Intro
8th-9th – Coming of Age: Our Connection to Nature (Dress for the outdoors)
10th-12th – Youth Group: Youth Service Planning
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.
2) Metro NY Junior High Youth Con Registration
March 24-25 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset, NY.
This event is for youth in grades 6-8 and a fun opportunity to connect with other UU youth.
For more information please CLICK HERE.
To register please CLICK HERE.
For questions about event programming please contact Denice Tomlinson at denice1uu@yahoo.com
For questions about event registration please contact Charlie Neiss at cneiss@aol.com
3) Refugee Children Need Friends
The family that recently arrived from Afghanistan and is living in White Plains would like to make some new friends. Would you and your children like to meet them, maybe for a play date or shared outdoor activity? (The children are 4, 5 and 10.)
For more information, please contact Jane Dixon, lilrhodie@gmail.com
4) Faith Development Friday - Mar 16
An evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community
RSVP to CUUCevents@gmail.com by 12:00 noon Fri Feb 16
so we know how much pizza to order and the number of participants for each group.
6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner
7:00pm Programs Begin...
Faith Like a River
The Wisdom RE Ministry Team invites you to an Adult RE experience facilitated by Rev. Meredith. This class explores the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future? You may also join this program online via Zoom videoconferencing by going to https://zoom.us/j/2898507899.
Family Journey Group
Parents gather to discuss the theme of wandering (facilitated by Barbara Montrose), while children have their own group with activities and discussion based on the theme (facilitated by Perry Montrose, DLRE). Adults without children are invited to participate in the parents’ group.
Youth Group Social Night and Service Prep
Join us for a night of fun and preparing for the Youth Service on Sunday!
Social Time for Adults
Those who would like more time to chat and just be together are welcome to continue hanging out in Fellowship Hall after the meal. Come to simply get to know your fellow CUUCers better, without specific programming.
Also stay for coffee and conversation after the programs.
5) UU Common Read Discussion - Fri Mar 23, 7:30pm, Fireside
Hosted by CUUC Wisdom Reading and Discussion Group
We will discuss Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, one of the two books selected for this year’s Common Read. This optimistic book is for Americans who are asking, in the wake of Trump's victory, What do we do now? The answer: We need to organize and fight to protect and expand our democracy.
Buy a copy after Sunday’s worship and join us!
Facilitated by Rev. Meredith and Sabrina Cleary (clearytheory@gmail.com).
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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