

From the Minister, Thu Feb 22

Kudos and deep gratitude to Creighton Cray and everyone who has been involved in strategic planning for the last year. Creighton and his team have been talking to people from every sector and level of our congregation and have carefully identified four areas for us to work on. The one-page version (HERE) points us in some general directions -- it's now up to us to work out the details that will move CUUC in those directions.

I'm very impressed with Strategic Planning Committee's work. The four goal areas tell us what we most need to focus on if we're going to realize our vision -- as adopted last June: to become "a welcoming 'sanctuary without walls' that promotes diversity, fellowship, spiritual growth, and inspiration, while committing to people and the planet through social action and service." The thoughtfulness and commitment evident in work Creighton and his team have done is representative of the spirit that has permeated this wonderful congregation for over 100 years!

In love,

Check These Out!
  • The Common Reads for 2017-18 (yes, there are TWO): HERE
  • See the Statement of Conscience, "Escalating Economic Inequity" HERE. (This version does not reflect the supported amendments.) Further amendments still to be considered are posted as comments to the post HERE. You can also add a comment to this post to propose an amendment.
  • On the Journey: the February issue explores Love. Pick up a copy at CUUC, or view it HERE.
Let's Chat

The TCC (Tuesday Coffee Chat) takes me to a coffee shop (almost) every Tuesday from 3-5pm -- for anyone who might find that a convenient way to get together with their minister.
  • Feb 6, 13, 20, 27: The TCC is in Irvington! Black Cat Cafe, 45 W. Main St., Irvington.
  • Mar: Rye: Starbucks, 51 Purchase St. Apr: Eastchester: Barnes and Noble Cafe, Vernon Hills Shopping Center
Drop by if you can! You can also make an appointment to see me at CUUC, or invite me to visit your home. Call Pam at the church office (914-946-1660) to schedule either.

New on The Liberal Pulpit

The Liberal Pulpit is a Youtube Channel! Check it out, and subscribe! HERE

This week's posts include all three parts of the Feb 11 sermon, "Love and Desire"
Index, with links, of past sermons: HERE.
Index, with links, of other reflections: HERE.

Practice of the Week

Vegetarianism. Today, with few exceptions, chickens, pigs, and cows are considered to be here on earth only for human use and convenience, which often means that they endure terrible torture in the name of efficiency. There is no longer any sense of these animals being fellow creatures of this earth, no sense that the violence toward them is violence toward all life. The raising of livestock contributes to environmental damage and resource depletion. The grain and land devoted to producing beef and other meats are not available for raising plants, which could feed the world’s neediest people. READ MORE

Your Moment of Zen

The Dark Side. Lutheran pastor Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber once said: "Theologically I'm not liberal. What I see in a lot of what would be categorized as liberal theology is what we call a high anthropology, which is a very high opinion of human beings and what we can accomplish, like 'All the good of God is inside of you!' And I'm like, 'Are you kidding? It's dark in there!'" At a talk I once attended, Bolz-Weber mentioned that her path had led her briefly to Unitarian Universalism. She quipped, "Unitarians are so cute. They have this high, high view of human goodness. It's like they never read the paper." She's looking at you, Woodpecker!

Next day, Woodpecker came around when Raven was cleaning up after a windstorm, and asked, "Do you think I could be a teacher?"
Raven looked her over. "What's the dark side?" she asked.
Woodpecker hesitated. "I'm not sure there is one," she said.
Raven turned away, saying "Then how can you be a teacher?"
"All in all, you're just another brick in the wall" (Pink Floyd)

Something doesn't and something does love a wall.
Protecting, preserving, nurturing --
Isolating, trapping --
Liberation requires containment.
Your bounds manifest the boundless.
But how can a brick know how it is important
And how it isn't?
Case by Robert Aitken; introduction and verse by Meredith Garmon
Previous Moment of Zen
Saturday Zen Practice at CUUC: HERE

Other News
This week's e-Communitarian
RE News
Music News
Council of All Beings (Cindy)
Loving Animal Nature (LoraKim)
Practice: Vegetarianism (Might Be Your Thing)

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