And the seasons they go round and round/And the painted ponies go up and down/We're captive on the carousel of time/We can't return we can only look behind/From where we came/And go round and round and round/In the circle game -Joni Mitchell
Whether in our personal lives or the culture surrounding us, time does not stand still and change comes. However, we do circle back to themes we dealt with previously. We are just in a different moment in time, so our view is changed as we come around again to that topic. Such is the case with racial justice. We are still grappling with the issues of racism that have been around for ages. Our questions, however, are framed somewhat differently, as we look behind from where we came. We understand something differently, even if we are still dealing with the same issue. Our hope is that we can create lasting justice, as we travel up and down in the circle game. This Sunday in RE, Amy Nathan shares the story from her book about the Baltimore carousel that became a national symbol for change. Children will consider what change still needs to happen and how they might play a part in that, as new Freedom Riders.
Please see the following five (5) announcements:

K-7th grades are in Fellowship Hall for our special racial justice program.
Author Amy Nathan will show slides and tell the story of the integration of a Baltimore carousel that coincided with Rev. Dr. King giving his "I Have a Dream" speech. We will use the carousel story and imagery to reflect on the action we can take now to create change. Join us to make the CUUC Justice Carousel.
8th-12th grades attend the service focused on Unitarian Universalist racial identity and justice work. Chandeerah Davis, our Youth Program Coordinator, will be giving a reflection during the service, along with members of the Racial Justice Team and Rev. LoraKim Joyner. The youth will gather after the service to debrief and respond to "My work for freedom is..."
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.
2) Children's Choir Signup

This is a great opportunity to explore spiritual development through music and develop music proficiency.
Please register your children for choir by emailing me at dlre@cucwp.org.
3) Neighboring Faiths Experience

Would you like to share your experiences and knowledge of your faith background?
Join the Neighboring Faiths class to explore your own faith development as you support our 6th-7th graders. Contact me at dlre@cucwp.org for more information.
4) Faith Development Friday - Jan 19
Please RSVP to cuucevents@gmail.com so we know how much pizza to order and the number of participants for each of the three groups.
6:30 Pizza dinner
7:15 Spiritual centering
7:30 Programs that include…
a)Faith Like a River
The Wisdom RE Ministry Team invites you to an Adult RE experience facilitated by Rev. Meredith.
This class explores the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.
What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present?
What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?
b) Family Journey Group
Parents gather to discuss the theme of resilience (facilitated by Barbara Montrose), while children have their own group with activities and discussion based on the theme (facilitated by Perry Montrose, DLRE). Adults without children are invited to participate in the adult group.
c)Youth Social and Movie Night
Hang out in the Youth Room for a special night of fun. Gnomes welcome.
5) Chili Brunch Jan 21
The heat of chili and the warmth of community.

Hosted by the 6th-7th grade class to support their social justice projects.
Please email me if you would like to bring a pot of chili to support the class.
Cost: $5 per Adult, $3 per child, $15 max per family.
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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