

From the Minister, Thu Nov 9

From the Minister

Coming Sun Apr 22: An All-Westchester UU Worship service! The congregations of First Unitarian Society of Westchester (Hastings), The UU Fellowship of Northern Westchester (Mt. Kisco), The UU Congregation of the Hudson Valley (Croton), Fourth Unitarian Society of Westchester (Mohegan Lake), and Community UU Congregation (that's us!) are planning to hold shared worship together.

Where: Maryknoll Center, 55 Ryder Rd, Ossining, NY (24 min from CUUC, says Google Maps).

I'm excited about this chance to bring all the UUs in the county together for a worship service. Discussion sessions over the last almost-three years have brought together members, leaders, RE professionals, and/or ministers of the five Westchester congregations. We've talked about ways our respective congregations might collaborate on projects to advance liberal religion and social justice. This All-Westchester worship service is one step toward enriching our UU connections and empowering our collective voice.

For many CUUCers, this will be a little extra drive. Carpooling from CUUC to Ossining will be available. Perry, Tracy Breneman (DRE for out Hastings and Mt. Kisco congregations), and Jane Podell (DRE for our Croton congregation) will be planning RE for the kids and youth at Ossining.

Stay tuned for further information soon -- but note the date now. You won't want to miss this one.

Yours in the faith we share,

The November issue of On the Journey explores Mindfulness. Get it at CUUC or HERE.

Let's Chat

On Tuesdays, 3-5pm, I'm going to be at an area coffee shop for anyone who might find that a convenient way to get together with their minister.
  • November: Barnes & Noble Cafe, City Center, 230 Main St, White Plains
  • December: Starbucks in Vernon Hills Shopping Center, 684 White Plains Rd, Scarsdale
Drop by if you can! You can also make an appointment to see me at CUUC, or invite me to visit your home. Call Pam at the church office (914-946-1660) to schedule either.

This Week on The Liberal Pulpit

This week there's part 2 of 2 of "Environmental Racism," and Both parts of "Witches"

No More Disposability
Persecutions Sometimes End

Racism and the Environment

Index, with links, of past sermons: HERE.
Index, with links, of other reflections: HERE.

Practice of the Week

Put Out Fires. In your heart, right now, you know if there are any vital matters that you're not dealing with. These are real alarms, and you need to listen to them. They cast a shadow you can feel in your gut. And eventually their consequences always come home — sometimes during your last years, when you look back on your life and consider what you wish you'd done differently. When you come to grips with important things, even if they're not urgent, that unease in the belly goes away. You feel good about yourself, doing what you can and making your life better. READ MORE

Your Moment of Zen

Delusion. Three things, then, to remember. The silence that is at the center of speech; the thunderous word that silence speaks; and the delusion of names. So who is reading this?

Aitken's Case (Zen Master Raven)
Another time Woodpecker asked, "What can you say about delusion?"
Raven said, "Juniper bush."
Woodpecker said, "How is the juniper bush a delusion?"
Raven said, "It shades me on a warm afternoon."
Woodpecker thought a moment and then asked, "Then naming things is delusion?"
Raven said, "Just so you know the risks."
Hotetsu's Verse
Names lie. A cup or tree: infinitely more than
Its cupness or treeness. And less.
Not merely of the falseness of categories I sing --
Proper names: no less liars.
To dress in such lies: a risk.
To step naked into the truth of presence:
Also a risk.
Previous Moment of Zen
Saturday Zen Practice at CUUC: HERE

Other News for Sun Nov 12
RE News
Music News
From Ministerial Intern
This Week's e-Communitarian

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