During the Family Journey Group on resilience, the children named a difficult situation in their lives. Then they affirmed each other’s feelings and discussed what might help. They came to the conclusion that it would be most helpful to accept the situation, believe in themselves, stay mindfully present to what was needed, and trust that everything would work out. They supported each other in this recognition and felt better about coping with the challenges ahead. As we conclude our month of reflection on resilience, but not the need for it in our lives, may you find the path that the children voiced, when faced with your own difficulties.
Please see the following five (5) announcements:
1) This Sun Jan 28
All grades start in Fellowship Hall for the Variety Show Fundraiser Recipient Vote
Pre-K - Chalice Children
K-1 - Creating Home: Hare's Gifts
2nd-3rd - Passport to Spirituality: China (Taoism-poetry)
4th-5th - Bibleodeon: Joseph 2
6th-7th – Abrahamic Faiths Closing (Judaism Trip on Saturday)
8th-9th – Coming of Age: Social Justice
10th-12th – Youth Group
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.

...Amy Swiss, Liz Suvanto,and Sara Caldwell for their leadership role in the Chili Brunch.
...the 6th-7th grade kids and their families for working so hard to make the brunch a success.
...all the people who donated chili. It was delicious and we had an abundance.
3) Teacher Enrichment Luncheon - Sun Feb 4, 11:45-1:15

An important training for all teachers that includes check-in and topics such as:
- Can We See the World Through the Child’s Eyes?
- Strategies to Make RE Less Like School
- Teaching to Different Ways of Learning and Knowing
- Creating Moments of Transcendence
4) Children's Choir Signup

First session is Feb 4.
This is a great opportunity to explore spiritual development through music and develop music proficiency.
Please register your children for choir by emailing me at dlre@cucwp.org.
5) Share Your Faith in RE

What is your religious background? Contact me to share your experience and knowledge with our 6th-7th grade Neighboring Faiths class. Your personal connection will help our youth relate to each religion.
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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